Teen Mom has been a reality show closely followed by fans for years due to the different stories that have unfolded. The story’s primary focus revolves around how teenage mothers navigate the tumultuous yet wonderful world of motherhood. Additionally, the show also highlights their love lives. Out of the many contestants, Kailyn Lowry has been one of the most-followed reality television personalities since leaving the show. She’s a beautiful mother of five children, with twins on the way, as per reports. Recently, she left fans concerned with snaps of her one-year-old son, Rio, from the hospital. It looks like fans finally have an update on not just the toddler but her other kids as well.
According to reports by The U.S. Sun , the mother of soon-to-be seven offered an update on Rio, who was reportedly born premature last year. He recently made another trip to the hospital, and Lowry took to her Instagram to reveal: “Rio is getting tubes in his ears this morning.” This comes after she posted a picture of his dad, Elijah, gently holding their son as he attempted to walk, covering his face.
The Instagram Story also had a box above that read the update and asked: “What to expect after + did you do anything special when the anesthesia wore off?” The reality star posed this question to some of her followers who have perhaps been in such a situation before.
Furthermore, she dropped another bombshell about three of her children having a case of the dreaded pink eye. Lowry claimed that her sons Creed and Miles have been hit with it but asked her fans to guess the name of the third child down with it. She also confirmed that Rio had caught a “really bad” case of the infection.
In the video, Lowry explained: “Three of my kids are at the pediatrician this morning and Rio is at the hospital.” Lowry appeared both exhausted and worried but remained optimistic throughout the video. The reality star seems to be doing her best while juggling being pregnant and taking care of her beloved children.
Just last week, Lowry finally shared the story of her son’s birth and the aftermath of it all when he was born. She took to her Instagram to share a carousel of when he was a newborn in the hospital. The first picture featured her beau sitting beside a slumbering Rio, who was inside his little bed.
Inside Look Of Kailyn Lowry’s Son Rio’s Baby Shower From Last Year! #TeenMom #teenmom2 #TeenMomFamilyReunion #REALITY #RealityTV #tvss #tlc #dancemoms https://t.co/QmGZOpRaWX
— LPBW & Reality TV News (@LpbwTv) October 26, 2023
Since he was revealed to be born premature , the frame also featured a glimpse of his neonatal care unit and a brief picture of his mother cradling him in her arms. While the toddler once again finds himself in a hospital after a year, fans wish nothing but good health for the family on this road to recovery and anticipate further updates.