When 'Teen Mom' Fans Sent 'Prayers' and 'Love' to Briana DeJesus as She Revealed Scary Health Diagnosis

When 'Teen Mom' Fans Sent 'Prayers' and 'Love' to Briana DeJesus as She Revealed Scary Health Diagnosis
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Emma McIntyre

Briana DeJesus, a cast member, on the reality show Teen Mom, recently made an announcement that has caught the attention of fans. DeJesus, who is known for being open, about her life revealed that she has been diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) as per The Sun. This condition leads to imbalances that make conception more challenging.



DeJesus took to Twitter and wrote, "Ya girl got diagnosed with PCOS recently & there so many cysts in my ovaries they stopped counting knowing that Nova and Stella may be the only kids I have or birthed is such a weird thing to come to terms to but cheers to the lord above, it's all in ur hands now ."

This was serious information that DeJesus wanted to make her followers aware of. She also mentioned the implications of this diagnosis for her hopes of having more children. DeJesus already has two young daughters, Nova and Stella. However, with her PCOS, she worries that they may end up being her only children. If she cannot get her health issues under control.



The fans of Teen Mom's DeJesus flooded her post, on X with responses. One follower expressed their support by saying, "Praying for you!" while another fan showed love and support by saying, "Sending love and prayers." These messages highlight the unity within DeJesus's fan base as they all hope for her recovery.

It's especially challenging for her to deal with health issues like lupus, alongside the hardships she's already facing. In the past, she bravely shared about a condition that caused a lump in her armpit and had it removed. DeJesus chose to open up about this intimate detail.



Given DeJesuss's health crisis her daughter Stella has also been facing her health struggles. This includes undergoing emergency surgeries for infections and dealing with heart murmurs. It is no wonder that Stella's health journey constantly causes worry, for her mother. Understandably DeJesus becomes anxious whenever she notices any signs of illness in Stella. This creates a rollercoaster for the Teen Mom star.

DeJesus shared a moment by posting a picture of Stella in the emergency room highlighting the vulnerability that comes with being a child dealing with health issues, as per Radar Online. The photo speaks volumes about the seriousness of the situation. Emphasizes the strength required to navigate these challenges while being a parent, amidst uncertainties surrounding health.



The interconnectedness between her challenges. The unwavering support from her fan base creates a narrative of resilience. In response to a fan contemplating her health. DeJesus affirmed the importance of seeking medical attention. Reinforcing the notion that shared experiences. It can lead to a community's collective strength.

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Michael Bezjian
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Michael Bezjian


Amid this health crisis, DeJesus emerges not only as a reality TV personality but as a relatable individual navigating the unpredictable terrain of life, health, and parenthood. The love and prayers pouring in from Teen Mom fans serve as a testament to the power of empathy and solidarity. Within this online community. As DeJesus faces these uncertain times. The collective strength of love and prayers becomes a source of comfort and encouragement.

Editor's note: This article was originally published on December 22, 2023. It has since been updated.

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