Ted Visner’s GoFundMe page has gotten lots of attention and shares, but very limited funds for someone who says his situation will be the start of “the revolution.” Visner says there is a conspiracy against him in Isabella County, Michigan. He says the sheriff’s department is against him. He says the court is against him. He says the Morning Sun News is against him. He says the Attorney General will not help him, and he says the ACLU is not returning his correspondence.
On Monday, Ted Visner even accused the Michigan Three Percenters , groups that say they are devoted to supporting the Constitution and able to call upon Michigan militia members, of being government trolls and unpatriotic because they refuse to support his cause. The Three Percenters issued a stand down and implored all militia members to not associate themselves with Visner’s cause.
Visner’s story is muddied in the media, mostly because there are two properties mentioned in his plea and two stories of banks reclaiming those properties included in articles about him that jumble the two situations into one. An earlier article on the Inquisitr clarified the details of the two different properties and elaborated on the Blanchard man’s real estate and court system back story.
A representative from the Three Percenters Club wrote of Visner, “What he’s trying to do is utilize us in a negative light and we won’t allow it. 95% of the Patriot groups have issued a stand down and will not allow our people to move into position for him.”
A representative from the Three Percenters Club Michigan claims that the disagreements with the county law enforcement were Visner’s own doing. He claims that at Visner’s old home, which a judge allegedly issued an order in association with Visner’s bankruptcy case, was absent of bedding and clothing at the time Visner says he was merely out for the weekend and his belongings were sold and given away. The representative says that Ted ended up returning to the home to discover the locks had been changed and called 911 six times. Allegedly, after being told the matter was a civil issue by the Sheriff, he dialed 911 again. Allegedly, his last 911 call resulted in his arrest for “misusing the emergency number.” It is rumored that those charges were eventually dropped.
The representative from the Three Percenters Club Michigan says that Visner made repeated threats of violence towards county employees. The representative said, “He is using the scare factor of the militias to retaliate against county employees by implying that the militia will kill their immediate and extended families.” The militia forces in Michigan allegedly have no intention of using deadly force against anyone on behalf of Ted Visner.
Reportedly, nearly all of Michigan’s militia members want nothing to do with the situation. Meanwhile, Visner is asking for funds online to support a stand off, and any legal proceedings that might help him keep his home. As of Tuesday, Visner’s GoFundMe account reached $1,190, and the man had 24 financial supporters. It is unclear how many of his supporters erroneously believed they were supporting him in an effort to maintain the former home that he said was stolen from him by his former landlord in what one Three Percenters’ representative says was only a verbal land contract. Organized militia members allege that Visner is being evicted from his current home for not making payments to the mortgage, the escrow, nor the construction loan for what Visner says was supposed to be an 8,000 square foot battered women and children’s shelter on his property.
In an update on the GoFundMe page, Visner states that the stand down by the militia leaders was erroneous and has been lifted, but in an announcement on Facebook, the Three Percenters argue that the stand down is still in full effect. Visner’s update states, “We are expecting more and more boots on the ground through the coming weeks.”
Militia members are demanding that Visner supply some evidence for what he claims is a wrongful eviction from his current home. They ask for receipts, court documents, anything that would support his claims. They say there is no way they will back his stand off unless he provides proof that his property rights or civil rights have been violated.
Tuesday morning, the Three Percenters Club Michigan issued the following statement on Facebook.
“After careful consideration and doing our due diligence we have all collectively come to the joint conclusion in regards to the Ted Visner situation in Michigan.
We have all instructed our groups to stand down. This is not a situation where Mr. Visner’s rights are being violated. Under Michigan law he has been receiving his due process. We cannot with the best intentions of our people ask them to go to the front lines and risk their lives for someone who refuses to provide us with the necessary documentation for us to know this is a just cause.
Mr. Visner has set up a Go Fund Me page to solicit donations. We advise against making donations at this time.
This decision was made and jointly decided upon by the following groups based upon the documentation we have seen and by Mr. Visner’s own admission.
- Michigan III%
- The Three Percenters Club
- 3%ers
- III% United Patriots
- Downriver Volunteer Militia
- Michigan Home Guard (MHG)
- Southeast Michigan Volunteer Militia (SMVM)
- Northern Michigan Volunteer Militia (NMVM)
- Michigan Militia Black Creek Volunteer Division
- Michigan Militia Corps Wolverines (MMCW)
- Antrim Co. Unorganized Militia
- WMVM/Sentinel group
- Sons of Liberty-Mi
- River City”
Ted claims those records will be coming soon and that a team is busy making copies of all of his records.
“In the absence of any information given on your part, how is anyone trying to foreclose on you illegally? Why don’t you pay your mortgage? Do you expect the bank to owe you a free house? It’s not yours. It’s a bank’s,” one commenter stated beneath his YouTube video from Monday. “Take some responsibility. You’re pathetic. You wanted something for nothing. Your greed led you to this.”
“You have a well-documented history of road rage and aggressive physical attacks on your employees and neighbors,” another person commented to Ted Visner, though links to that documentation were not provided. “Your penchant for exaggeration is also well known. Despite your fantasies, there will be no second revolution at your house. You will be quietly and legally subdued and sent away for a desperately needed psychiatric evaluation. With any luck your children will be placed in foster care and will be raised by a stable father figure.”
On that GoFundMe page, Ted says that the account is primarily to “support our supporters logisticaloly for what could be a 45 — 60 day stand.” He also gave the address for his Blanchard home on Fremont Road where he would like supplies sent. On that page, Ted also asks for food, extension cords, communication equipment for his stand off (that he anticipates will lead to his own death), and purports will start “the revolution.”
Ted Visner posted an update on Tuesday to his YouTube channel in which he states that he never asked for help, says that his current fight is founded on the deprivation of due process by Judge Eric Janes, and promises court transcripts to prove his claims in the near future.
[Photo via YouTube screengrab ]