Taylor Swift Gifts Her Hat To a Kid During Live Concert, Receives a Bracelet in Return

Taylor Swift Gifts Her Hat To a Kid During Live Concert, Receives a Bracelet in Return
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Terry Wyatt

At Taylor Swift's Detroit concert, a priceless moment was captured on camera and is now going viral. Swift's autographed hat ended up in the possession of a 9-year-old Rochester Hills child, which has left many of the Swifties feeling warm and fuzzy.



Kennedy acquired Taylor Swift's cap at one of the weekend concerts, during the song 22. In a video that is going viral on social media platforms, Kennedy can be seen exchanging gifts with Taylor during her performance. Taylor comes closer to her, takes off her hat, and puts it on Kennedy's head and Kennedy immediately gives her bracelet to the pop icon. The global superstar then seems to continue with her performance. This sweet little exchange captured the attention of her fans who have dubbed this moment as 'sweet' and 'amazing'.

Hank Winchester from Click on Detroit had recently interviewed Kennedy, asking her about her conversation with the singer. He reports that the young fan spotted Taylor's parents in the crowd and bravely went and greeted them. This sweet gesture led to this unforgettable moment.

Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Kevin Winter
Image Source: Getty Images | Kevin Winter


She says, "So they had me kneel upon the stage and I see Taylor Swift come out and I'm like, oh my god," adding that the singer was coming towards her. When asked by the reporter about her thoughts at that moment, she responded, "I was just like... I was speechless."

She shares more about her experience, revealing, "There was this big VIP tent behind us, our seats, and Taylor Swift's Mom and Dad were in it. And I know what they look like." Kennedy's mother said, "and we did see a few people going up to her mom. So after a few songs, Kennedy said 'Mom can we please go and say hi to her mom' and I was like, 'Sure, what do we have to lose?'" Kennedy revealed that this was her "first concert and everything and then an hour later the security guards come up to us and they're like follow us and they take us to this gated out of like pathway."

Image Source:  Getty Images | Kevin Winter
Image Source: Getty Images | Kevin Winter


The security guard had asked her mother if Kennedy was her daughter to which she answered in positive. The guard then asked them to follow which made her mother worrisome. She was later put at the foot of the stage where she got to interact with her idol. Kennedy says, "She came down to me, kneeled and I gave her my bracelet" and the singer exclaimed "For me!!" and "Then I said I love you and she said I love you too and she starts dancing for me and everything and she gave me her hat in exchange and that was amazing."

Kennedy was spotted wearing the hat during the interview. She says that they are planning to put the hat in a glass case which will be placed in her room. The interviewer suggested that they could make a lot of money with it, but Kennedy strictly refused. When she was asked if she had any message for Taylor, she said "Thank you, thank you so much. It made my life."

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