Being a celebrity comes with a lot of perks but unfortunately, it does have a downside too. Recently, Tammy Slaton experienced the cons of being a reality TV star again . The 1000-lb. Sisters star posted a picture sipping a carbonated drink less than a year after undergoing bariatric surgery. The 36-year-old TLC personality shared a selfie of herself with a bottle of Diet Coke on Instagram captioned, “L O L diet sodie ambassador.” She was instantly bombarded with various comments about the choice of her beverage.
“Not good stop drinking that stuff you did this big sugary to just go back and drink stuff like this not good please make better decisions,” a fan wrote. “Doesn’t the carbonation blow you up? It does me. I had a gastric sleeve in 2012,” another added. “Remember diet sodies do not cancel out the sugar,” a third fan explained, while a fourth fan wrote, “Tammy! With gastric bypass surgery, you are not supposed to drink any pop at all. The carbonation will expand your stomachs girl!”
Yet another fan recounted her own experience after undergoing a similar process as Slaton. “I too have bariatric surgery every doctor is different but mine specifically said no carbonated drinks, especially since you had surgery, not too long ago just some advice it would be better not to drink anything like that. Try sugar-free Gatorade or sugar-free flavored water. There’s also packets that you can add to your water that are soda flavor.”
Although people were worried about Slaton, a few were quick to defend the life choices of the star too. “Oh Good Lawd, get off her back! It’s none of our business! She’s at least up losing weight, moving around, walking…TAMMY, YOU LOOK MAHVAHLOUS DAHLING!” commented a fan. “Funny how all of y’all should just mind your business and congratulate @queentammy86 on deciding to change her life for the better! Congrats tam tam!!” another added.
One concerned fan commented on how Slaton did deserve a treat once in a while: “That’s even worse than the regular one, but you can indulge every now and then, you deserve it.. looking amazing.. congrats!!” Another well-wisher advised her to drink seltzer water if she likes carbonated drinks: “Diet sodas, 0 sugar sodas are just as bad because they use artificial sweeteners. If you still have a taste for carbonation drink seltzer water and pick some good flavors. Just make sure they aren’t made with sugar as some are made with natural fruits.”
As per In Touch Weekly , after a prolonged weight loss journey, Slaton achieved her ideal weight of 534.7 pounds to qualify for bariatric surgery and underwent the process in the summer of 2022. “When I got on the scale and seeing the scale was 534.7, I kind of stopped breathing for a second,” the Slaton sister confessed during a February 2023 episode. “I’m like 14 pounds under my goal weight from over 700. That’s a huge drop.”