Police have officially closed the Whitney Houston investigation and with the conclusion of that case comes the release of the 911 call that led to the discovery of the singers death. In the tape a hotel security officer reveals that the woman who called for help after discovering Houston was ‘irate and pretty much out of it.”
Upon closing the case investigators say there was “no evidence of foul play” and “based on the findings of our investigation and our review of the coroner’s report, we have determined that this is not a criminal matter.”
In the 911 call the hotel security officer who was relaying a call from a female in the room did not reveal the identity of the singer, telling the 911 operator:
“I need paramedics, apparently I’ve got a 46-year-old female, found in the bathroom. That’s all I’ve got right now, but they’re requesting paramedics.”
The security officer then proclaims:
“I’m not sure if she fell, or if she was in the bathroom with the water.”
When asked if Houston was breaking at all the security officer said:
“Apparently she wasn’t breathing.”
When asked if she had started breathing the security officer asked:
“I don’t know. The person that called me was irate and pretty much out of it.”
The 911 operator then asked:
“Can you get me into the room so I can try to give CPR instructions?”
The hotel security officer then answered:
“No, because she kept hanging up on us,” the hotel security officer said.
Paramedics arrived 10 minutes after the call was placed and they quickly moved Houston to the living room floor, the singer had been unconscious for 20 minutes from the time she was discovered by her assistant.
Whether or not a better response from the female on the other side of the call would have helped save Whitney Houston’s life we will never know.