Impact Wrestling 4/6/17 edition aired Thursday night, and if you missed it and want spoilers, or if you just enjoy reading recaps and commentary, the Inquisitr has got you covered.
Eli Drake vs. Caleb Konley
The first match of the night was a disappointment, according to Inside Pulse wrestling writer Jeremy Peeples: two lower-card wrestlers with no drama between them, no backstory, and they even look alike .
“They’re each two tan, brunette guys who look very similar only one is in black and yellow and the other is in black and blue – so this is like two created wrestlers squaring off with no context and for no real reason.”
IMPACTWRESTLING: The night kicks off with a match between TheEliDrake & CalebKonley. RT if you’re watching #MakeI …
— Soapbox Wrestlin (@SoapboxWrestlin) April 7, 2017
Drake won by pinfall.
ODB vs. Madison Rayne in Contender’s Gauntlet Match
During the between-matches trash talk, Josh was talking up his wife when, as these things often do, the whole thing descended into chaos. Eventually Brandi Rhodes, Rebel, Ava Storie, Amanda Rodriguez, MJ Jenkins, Diamante, ODB, and Madison Rayne are all, at one time or another, in the ring. In the end it’s down to ODB and Rayne; as Josh cheers on, ODB dispatches Rayne with a pin to end the match.
SHE IS BACK!! #ODB is BACK! TONIGHT on #IMPACTonPOP she makes her return to the #IMPACT Zone. #MakeImpactGreat
— Randy Perkins (@randyperkins65) March 23, 2017
Andrew Everett vs. Marshe Rockett and Suicide
After some pre-match trash talk, Everett took the ring against Rockett & Suicide. As the match progresses, Alicia and Angelina get in on the act, cheering the men on and even “helping out” a little bit. Eventually Everett prevailed and won the match with a Shooting Star Press.
Peeples says it’s one of the best matches he’s seen in quite some time.
“This was the best match on Impact in months – but still felt held back by TNA doing what it always does and over-complicating the story. The women don’t add much to the actual match, but add to the story – so keep that stuff after it.”
Davey Richards vs. Eddie Edwards in Last Man Standing Match
In a match that lasted a solid 20 minutes, Richards — at times joined by Alisha and Angelina Love — and Edwards battled in the ring, and a couple of times, in the crowd, chairs flying, chains being used, and Richards taking time out of the match to kiss his wife. In the end, Richards came out ahead, winning by a pin.
Alberto El Patron vs. Some Guy
Thanks to some bad editing, El Patron fought a wrestler whom the audience wasn’t able to identify.
“Alberto and his Mexican restaurant theme come out to face a man that Spud doesn’t name because of how badly they edited the show.”
Cage Side Seats ‘ Kyle Decker calls him “ dude [whose] name I wasn’t able to catch ,” while Wrestling News World ‘s CJ Blaze just called him “ jobber .” Fortunately, Peeples knows enough about what’s going to be able to give fans his name: John Bolin. Unfortunately for Mr. No Name, it appears as if he was a disposable up-and-comer in the TNA ranks whose only job was to lose to Patron — which he did, dispatching him easily with a back suplex followed by a double stomp.
Announcer Nonsense
In a development that seems to have annoyed just about everybody, the end of the show was dedicated to setting up a feud involving, of all things, the announcers. Peeples describes what went down as teams were being picked for next week’s tag team match:
“Bruce Prichard comes down and we get more bickering. Lashley and Alberto are on Josh’s and JB’s teams respectively. Bram joins Team Josh, before Chris Adonis joins JB. Eli comes down for Josh, and then Tyrus joins as well before Josh demands they beat up JB’s team. Matt Morgan makes the save, kicks ass, and gets a “Morgan” chant. His fourth pick comes in, but they are “out of time” so the reveal will be on the official website. So they do this kind of bulls**t show finish for an ANNOUNCER FEUD. Unbelievable.”
IMPACT Wrestling has gone off the air, but who is the 4th man on Team JB? Find out now!!
It’s Magnus, by the way, in case you aren’t able to watch the video.
Cage Side Seats ‘ Decker hopes that next week will be better than the disappointing outing this week.
“Instead of just getting away from this horrible story that is ruining their shows, [TNA’s writers] lean into it hard. We can only hope that next week will be the end of it and they can use that match to spin off some feuds for all the talent in the match.”
Were you disappointed in Impact Wrestling ‘s 4/6/17 outing?
[Featured Image by Joern Pollex/Bongarts/Getty Images]