As Deadliest Catch 2017 has begun filming Season 13, former Deadliest Catch Captain Josh Harris recently went on Facebook live to announce a loss in the Harris family, why he is not fishing right now as well as to thank fans for their support during some recent bad times. He also wanted to discuss the burning rumor that the FV/Cornelia Marie has been sold. What did the late Captain Phil’s son have to say to fans?
Speaking a long ways from the other Deadliest Catch captains who are now fishing crab in the Bering Sea, Josh acknowledges he is in rainy Seattle. He had to explain why he was home, despite the fact this is opilio crab season. Why wasn’t he fishing?
He explained that his grandpa recently died and he was taking a leave of absence to mourn and handle the necessary paperwork associated with a death. His grandfather Captain Grant Harris, Captain Phil Harris’ father, died. This surely must be painful as his “gpa” was Jake and Josh Harris’ last link to their father, as their grandmother had died when dad, Captain Phil, was just a young boy. On Instagram, Josh posted a photo of his grandpa with a tender missive.
“#legend #willmissyagpa Lost one of my heroes today so smooth travels to an amazing man, her and GPA. Love u gpa”
According to a 2014 interview with Captain Grant in Communities Digital News , after Captain Phil’s beloved mother died of cancer when Phil was only eight, Captain Grant took Phil, his only child, out fishing in order to avoid pawning him off on relatives. A child of the depression, Grant instilled in Phil the necessary tools to be a great fisherman and a leader. After Captain Phil died, Captain Grant continued to be a mentor and a support to his grandchildren.
On the positive front, Josh took this opportunity on Facebook Live to update fans on the positive recovery of his brother Jake Harris . Jake recently suffered from some life threatening injuries when he was robbed and beaten.
“The kid seems to be recovering just fine. He’s had a couple CAT scans just and stuff recently. Think everything is going good there.”
As Inquistr earlier reported, Jake survived a horrible beating and robbery in October. He had met a couple and they all agreed to go to a casino the next day. After some gambling, the couple agreed to give Jake a ride back home. All went well until the guy stopped the car he was driving and went in the back seat. She went on to drive the vehicle, while the guy beat Jake and threw him onto the highway, not before robbing him of the $2400 cash that was in his wallet.
Jake was lucky that the driver behind this vehicle saw the shocking scene and helped the former Deadliest Catch star. Jake suffered a cracked skull and some brain injuries. Thankfully, he is doing well now. The couple had done this sort of robbery to others on several occasions and both were promptly arrested and charged, unable to repeat this offense on anyone else.
So, what is Josh up to now? Back in October, Captain Josh Harris revealed the shocking news on Facebook Live that he, and the F/V Cornelia Marie boat and crew would not be part of the Deadliest Catch Season 13 . Longtime fans of the Discovery Channel show were in shock as the Harris family has been on the show since the premiere season. A few months ago, Josh promised something even more exciting than the Deadliest Catch was in the works. In the recent Facebook Live post, Josh is still teasing that something is happening, but it is just taking a lot of time to organize the details. He just can’t reveal any clues as to what this new project is!
“The world will be pleased with what we are working on. It takes a lot of time to get things together, but when everything is finalized.”
Josh is obviously excited about this new project as he flashed one of his gorgeous smiles and exclaimed that he cannot wait until he can talk about it.
“I cannot wait to tell everyone what we are doing! It is phenomenal!”
Then, Josh addressed the rumors that have been plaguing him. Is he selling, or has he sold the F/V Cornelia Marie? He assures fans, the boat is not for sale nor have they sold the boat.
“I tell you awesome fans, we do not plan on selling the boat. We did not sell the boat.”
There has been some speculation over the years on whether Jake was going to follow in his father and grandfather’s footsteps and fish. Jake had even told People that his father, Captain Phil Harris , wanted him to do something besides fishing. Jake’s response was to show his father that he could fish. That he could do this well and make his father proud.
“He told me to get out of fishing. I do love fishing, don’t get me wrong, but it was one of those deals where he wanted to see me do something better. He gave me the encouragement. My life goal was to show him I could be a man, you know, and I could fish, and I did the best job that I could, and he recognized that as being a good job and gave me kudos.”
There is no doubt that Josh Harris considers the F/V Cornelia Marie and fishing his supreme connection to late father Captain Phil Harris. He has made it clear: he is not going to sell the boat. He will not part with the F/V Cornelia Marie so easily.
Reality> Why the Cornelia Marie won’t be on Deadliest Catch seas.. #reality
— Reality TVMag Usa (@RealityTVMagUsa) October 17, 2016
Although Josh revealed he is supremely bummed that the Seahawks lost, Josh reiterates that they are his favorite team and again, he flashed one of his brilliant smiles. He is still thinking about the F/V Cornelia Marie and the new “amazing” project he is working on.
“Doing more stuff with the boat soon, so be prepared. It is going to be pretty amazing!”
What exactly does Josh mean? What is this new amazing project that Josh Harris is working on? Sounds like he will share this information as soon as he can and based on his previous announcements, it will be on Facebook Live.
“We will be in touch with everybody.”
What do you think Josh Harris is going to do next? Do you think Jake Harris will be included? Are you planning on watching Deadliest Catch without the F/V Cornelia Marie and Captain Josh Harris?
[Featured Image by Blair Bunting/Discovery Channel/Getty Images]