Ainsley Rodriguez used her latest Instagram post to show off her toned abs and to share some healthy advice.
In the newest photo on her page, the Miami-based fitness model and trainer rocked a cream crop top that featured a lace-up neckline. The top allowed her to flaunt her toned abs, while its crisscrossed straps in front revealed a sliver of her chest. She wore distressed jeans in the photo as well, and they had several rips on each leg.
Ainsley accessorized her look with what appeared to be pearl stud earrings and a black choker necklace. She wore her straight hair loose and seemed to accentuate her brown eyes with dark liner and mascara. She also appeared to sport matte pink lipstick in the photo.
The model was pictured sitting on a wooden bench as she drank from a glass of green juice. In her caption, she shared some of her tips for healthy juicing.
Ainsley wrote that while she loves drinking juices every day instead of coffee, she understands that they can be very sugary and calorie-filled. As such, she advised fans to use a vegetable like celery or cucumber as the base for their juices. She also noted that it’s a good idea to include a majority of vegetables and just one fruit like an apple.
Ainsley later explained the difference between juices and smoothies, writing that the juicing process tends to remove the vegetable’s fiber but gives “a quicker burst of energy and nutrients.”
The post has been liked more than 12,000 times, as of this writing, and over 250 Instagram users have commented on it. In those comments, some of Ainsley’s fans had questions about her regimen.
“Do u have coffee at all or u don’t drink coffee? I love to juice and try to juice every day as well. But I still have my coffee later” one person asked.
“Yup if I’m craving it – usually on the weekends I might grab one but I took it out of my daily routine,” the model replied.
More than one fan thanked her for the information she provided.
“Interesting! I never knew there was a difference. Thank you. Now I know what to ask for when I go to juicing store,” they wrote.
“I want to let you know. ever since I found you on here I’ve been an overall healthier person. I just want to say thank you. you have definitely changed my life for the better!!” a fourth fan commented.