The Surface Pro 3 is widely considered the best tablet/laptop hybrid ever made. Light enough as a tablet and powerful enough as a laptop, the Surface Pro 3 won the hearts of many technology enthusiasts in 2014. Many even prefer the Surface Pro 3 over the the MacBook Air , especially since it can be used as a digital notepad. Unfortunately (at least for Microsoft and Apple), there is a new lightweight tablet/laptop hybrid that is said to be better than both of these devices.
Toshiba has introduced the Portégé Z20t at CES, and it is a hit with show attendees. Engadget raves about the Portégé Z20t , but criticizes the screen resolution.
“So far as we can tell, the only potential downside is that the resolution tops out at 1,920 x 1,080, as opposed to 2,160 x 1,440 on the Surface Pro 3. Even then, though, this is primarily aimed at business users, not regular consumers, and based on everything we’ve heard, IT departments seem to be less concerned with laptops’ pixel count in the first place.”
Toshiba’s new laptop is quite similar to the Surface Pro 3 in that it is light, even having the same thickness. However, Toshiba’s 12.5-inch screen is slightly larger than the Surface Pro’s 12-inch screen. An optional Wacom pen can be purchased separately to take notes. The Surface Pro 3 comes with a N-Trig pen that has divided users. As CNET reports, you don’t have to purchase a keyboard attachment like you have to with the Surface Pro 3; the Portégé Z20t comes with its own detachable keyboard.
“The new keyboard dock attaches cleanly across the entire side of the tablet, so the unit looks and feels more like a laptop when attached. And you can angle the screen back, which gives you better flexibility when using it on your lap and it angles the back of the keyboard up for more comfortable typing. The tablet can be attached away from the keys, too, so it works more like a stand.”
Toshiba isn’t the only company trying to give the Surface Pro 3 a run for its money. Dell has just released the updated XPS-13 touchscreen laptop, but that could be more of a MacBook Air killer. However, you can bet there will be plenty of other companies that will try and take the crown off the Surface Pro 3 in the next year. Then, Microsoft will release the Surface Pro 4 and the competition will start all over again. Do you have the Surface Pro 3? Would you trade your Surface Pro for any of the competitors? Tell us in the comments section.
[Photo Credit: CNET ]