Ever since the pilot, one of the big questions of CBS’ new fall series has revolved around when Cat Grant would figure out that her assistant, Kara Danvers, is Supergirl. After all, everything would have to add up eventually, right? Cat couldn’t remain that oblivious forever, right? Right – and the Supergirl fall finale addressed just that (as well as ended on quite the cliffhanger).
In the Supergirl fall finale, “Hostile Takeover,” when Cat Grant’s email is hacked, it’s up to Kara, James, and Winn to not only find the ones that she wouldn’t want to get out for any damage control, but also to figure out who’s behind the hack. Thanks to Kara’s hearing, she figures out that CatCo’s board’s chairman, Dirk Armstrong, is behind it, so it’s just a matter of proving it before Cat resigns (in order to protect the son she sends money to after giving up in a custody battle). With Lucy’s help, they get what they need, but when explaining how to Cat, Kara slips up and mentions she overheard Dirk at a time she had been standing right next to Cat and it should have been impossible for her to do so.
With that, Cat put everything together – when she was sick and Supergirl was MIA, Supergirl’s appearance after Kara’s exit with Livewire, and Kara’s reaction to her naming her – and told her to take off her glasses. If she didn’t, it would be confirmation anyway that she was right. Cat only has long enough to thank Kara for her help before Alex calls her with a crisis.
That means that it’s not going to be until Supergirl returns with new episodes in January that fans see what this means for Cat and Kara moving forward.
“How the two of them deal with it in episode 9 is both hilarious and heartbreaking and emotional,” executive producer Andrew Kreisberg told Entertainment Weekly . “It’s very cool.”
Will things change at work for Kara, or will Cat continue to treat her the same way she has been?
Also coming up for Cat is more about that son of hers, Adam Foster, for whom she was willing to resign in order to protect him.
“We’ll be meeting him in the very near future,” the EP teased.
The crisis that Kara had to go off to deal with ended up being the big cliffhanger of the fall finale. Though the DEO had Astra confined, as they realized too late, she didn’t seem at all concerned. In fact, it turned out to be one of those classic “bad guy gets caught so other bad guys can do something really bad while the good guys are distracted” plans – and it was.
Non and others attacked Lord Technologies, with Hank having to reveal his alien side to one of the attackers. As the episode ended, Supergirl and Non flew toward each other. The rest of that battle is going to have to wait for the midseason return.
“When we come back, we have one of our coolest fights that we’ve done to kick off the episode,” Kreisberg has previewed, and it sounds like that won’t be the end of the conflict between those two, not with Astra in the DEO’s custody.
“Now that the DEO has her, what are they going to do with her? And what is Non going to do in retaliation? When we come back, the declaration of war between the DEO and Astra and Non’s forces is in full effect.”
There’s something else to look forward to in January soon after Supergirl returns, as IGN has reported that there’s a new DC Digital First series coming called Adventures of Supergirl written by Sterling Gates. Although each installment will come out on Mondays, beginning January 25, it won’t be directly related to the CBS series.
Supergirl returns with new episodes on Monday, January 4 at 8 p.m. on CBS.
[Image via CBS]