Adult film star Stormy Daniels spoke to Inside Edition, in an episode that aired on Thursday, January 25. It was the same day that First Lady Melania Trump made a surprise visit to the Holocaust Museum, with Melania skipping her planned trip to Davos, Switzerland, as reported by Bloomberg , where the Trumps intendED to celebrate their recent thirteenth wedding anniversary. Instead, Melania was making her way from the museum before International Holocaust Remembrance Day on Saturday – as seen in FLOTUS’ photos – down to West Palm Beach without her husband.
Stormy’s Inside Edition interview featured Daniels being asked about Melania in a preview of the second part of the interview that is set to air on Friday, January 26. The first part of Stormy’s interview found Daniels speaking about her sudden popularity in the midst of her 2011 interview being made public, in which Stormy alleged that she had a sexual affair with Donald Trump in 2006.
Anyone who has ever had her phone number has texted or called Stormy in recent days, she reported. Stormy has been trying to “ride out the storm” in Texas, during her “strangely normal life” with her husband and 7-year-old daughter. Stormy has been worried for her safety because she has been threatened, according to Daniels.
Stormy said that it was “common” – perhaps meaning to say “common knowledge” – that she has obviously met Trump, due to the photos that have circulated around the web. Daniels was closed-mouthed when asked about a sexual relationship with Trump. Daniels laughed and smiled when she was asked directly about being paid $130,000 by Trump’s lawyer as hush money.
Stormy Daniels stays mum on whether she was paid $130,000 by Donald Trump’s personal lawyer.
— Inside Edition (@InsideEdition) January 25, 2018
Daniels literally blinked and smiled when asked directly about anything that had to deal with signing a non-disclosure agreement or whether or not she wanted to say a lot more about Trump than what she was telling Inside Edition at the moment. Instead, Stormy smiled and called the interviewer pretty.
Stormy said that many things being said about her aren’t true and that she would love to have a magic wand to make the scandal stop.
The second part of Stormy’s Inside Edition interview will feature the question about Melania, but it’s not clear if Daniels will actually speak about Mrs. Trump or simply keep smiling.
Thank you @HolocaustMuseum for a powerful & moving tour that honors the millions of innocent lives lost, and educates us on the tragedies and effects of the holocaust. #WeRemember #AskWhy
— Melania Trump 45 Archived (@FLOTUS45) January 25, 2018