Rumors surrounding Rian Johnson’s Star Wars 8 have been driving the internet crazy as of late. Actors Warwick Davis and Adam Driver talked about the movie and gave a mention to The Empire Strikes Back as some kind of comparison between the two flicks. In mid-September, Driver compared the tone of the mid-film classic trilogy movie, but then he recently clarified that this wasn’t the case.
Adam Driver Explains And Clarifies
“It’s great. It’s similar to how The Empire Strikes Back has a different tone. For that people always go ‘oooh, it’s dark’ but I don’t know that it necessarily is. It’s just different in tone in a way that I think is great and necessary but also very clear. He trusts [that] his audience is ready for nuance and ambiguity. He’s not dumbing anything down for someone and that’s really fun to play.”
When Driver compared Star Wars 8 to The Empire Strikes Back , he thought the choice was a “poor example” when he was looking for a more comparable movie, according to iDigital Times . For some reason, “plot prognosticators” were digging pretty deep and making connections between the classic and the upcoming Rian Johnson-directed movie.
#AdamDriver on playing a poet in Jim Jarmusch’s PATERSON: “I’ve tried writing [poetry] before and it’s just…too bad.” @TheNYFF #NYFF2016
— Joe McGovern (@jmcgvrn) October 3, 2016
“What I said was the tone of it was different. I didn’t say it was going to be in the vein. I was using [ Empire ] as an example, so, poor example. Next time I should say ‘I’m trying to think of another sequel to a movie that’s good.’ When I read the script it was not what I expected, in the best of ways.”
Back then, Collider speculated what this could mean if the comparison had been valid. Conversations compared Darth Vader’s path to growing a conscience to the path Kylo Ren could take. Would Ren get a change of heart and go for good just like Vader, or will he finish what his grandfather started and even go deeper into the Dark Side? Snoke demanded that Kylo Ren return to him for further training, so could it be the latter? This speculation is fun to think about, but Adam Driver clarified that the comparison between the two Star Wars movies is not valid.
That being said, what do you think Adam should have come up with when comparing the two Star Wars movies?
Warwick Davis Likened Star Wars 8 With The Empire Strikes Back ?
A recent interview with Warwick Davis featured a conversation about him seeing The Force Awakens for the first time. He thought it was great and noticed the similarities in humor and action between the classics and the J.J. Abrams-directed film. He also confirmed his appearance in Star Wars 8 during his interview with , and it looks like he made a comparison between the upcoming film and The Empire Strikes Back . Davis transitioned The Force Awakens experience by saying he thought it set things up for the rest of the trilogy.
#WarwickDavis Also Has a Role in #StarWars : Episode 8
— Zesty Movies (@zesty_movies) October 4, 2016
It was then that Warwick likened the two.
“Obviously we’re moving into the territory of Episode VIII very soon as well, and much like Empire Strikes Back I’m sure it’s going to deliver some quite impactful story moments, and it’ll leave us with some cliffhangers as well which resolve in Episode IX .”
It would make sense to have a cliffhanger between the second and third Star Wars movies, as there were already loose ends between Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi involving Jabba the Hutt and Han Solo’s carbonite tomb. How do you think Episode VIII and IX will resolve themselves?
Do you think Davis’ mention of those “impactful story moments” point to a comparison between similar plot situations in the new and old Star Wars movies? Do you think he may have to clarify as Driver did in using the old movie as an example?
Star Wars 8 is slated for release on December 15, 2017, and is directed by Rian Johnson with Mark Hamill, Daisy Ridley , Carrie Fisher, and a host of others, including Warwick Davis and Adam Driver. What kind of plot can you figure out by using just Warwick’s comparison?
[Featured Image by Grant Pollard/AP Images]