In the past Stacey Dash has been criticized for backing Republican candidates as an African American woman. This past election race saw Dash taking heat for very publicly supporting Republican candidate Mitt Romney for president.
Now she’s vocalizing her lack of support for President Obama, despite the fact that she voted for him during his first term. So what changed from President Obama’s first term to his second?
The Clueless actress finally revealed why she voted for Barack Obama in the first place. As an African American woman, Dash admitted that she regrets voting for President Obama based on the color of his skin. Now this isn’t an earth shattering revelation by any means, as many Americans exercised their voting based on a number of reasons, and some have even admitted that it’s because President Obama is black.
However, Dash seems to be the only one that is truly upset by her choice the first time around, and is actually admitting that she does have regrets the reason for voting President Barack Obama into office.
Dash told Fox News that she’s upset about Attorney General Eric Holder challenging Louisiana’s state voucher system on the sole basis of desegregation policies. Stacey stated to Fox news:
“I just think it’s absurd. The natural evolution of a well-educated populous is integration, and for them to deny a child a better education because of the color of their skin is ludicrous and defeating the purpose.”
Of how she acted based on race in the 2008 election, Stacey Dash said :
“I didn’t know anything about [Obama] when I voted for him in 2008. My choice to do so was purely because he was black. Naively, I thought he would be the right person for the job but unfortunately it didn’t turn out that way.”
Many who were once for President Barack Obama felt a tide change, especially given his recent racial remarks about the Trayvon Martin verdict. Some had thought that President Obama has segregated the country even more. Even though Stacey Dash didn’t point out Obama’s statements about Trayvon Martin, she was vocal about what kind of job she thinks Barack is doing, having said:
“Obama had the opportunity to really unite this country in such a profound way, but instead he has done the opposite. We are so divided right now, everything has become about race, more than I’ve ever known in my lifetime.”
Later on Dash took to Twitter to express her feelings on the GOP:
GOP I truly hope this disjointed public display is a calculated chess move. If not… FIX IT!
— Stacey Dash (@REALStaceyDash) October 1, 2013
Do you agree with Stacey Dash?
[Image credit: s_bukley / ]