'Stable Genius' Donald Trump Just Invented a New Word in Bizarre Rant About Inflation

'Stable Genius' Donald Trump Just Invented a New Word in Bizarre Rant About Inflation
Cover Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Spencer Platt

Former president Donald Trump was recently ridiculed over his unintelligible rhetoric at a packed rally in Coachella, California. "I will very quickly defleet. We are going to take inflation. And we are going to deflate it. We are going to deflate inflation. We are going to defeat inflation," Trump said, making his own tongue-twister. In response, netizens flocked to slam his incoherent rant, OK! magazine reported.


"His brain is glitching more often. And no one should be surprised. It's nature taking its course. It happens to everyone if they are lucky enough to live that long. But he’s going downhill fast," an X user criticized. In a similar vein, one mocked, "There’s that stable genius again." Meanwhile, a different person pointed out, "Inflation is defeated. CPI just came out at 2.4%. What's happening right now is price gouging and shrinkflation, which is courtesy of Trump's billionaire CEO buddies. Do you get it yet? Trump creates the problem to trick you into voting for him to fix it." 


Another individual chimed in, "Does he realize that his advocacy for deflation would lead to a recession?" "I hope someone is keeping a list of the things he’s promising, just in case he wins. Although I’m sure when he’s unable to enact any of them, the MAGA [fans] will just say, 'The deep state got in the way, not his fault,' like always. Nothing’s ever his fault, the buck stops anywhere else," a comment also read.

Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Rebecca Noble
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Rebecca Noble

As the comments poured in, a Democrat opined, "Kamala and Joe have already defeated and deflated inflation which is why the Fed just cut the interest rate by half a point. Does Trump expect to roll prices back to pre-pandemic levels while Americans enjoy an almost 20% increase in COLA as well as wage growth?" Another slammed, "That’s called a recession! Promising we’ll all be poorer except his billionaire friends!"


However, his 'defleet' comment was not the only highlight of the night for his critics. Trump continued with his weird verbal onslaught and discussed 'Delta smelt.' "They want to save— Delta smelt— There's a fish— so they reroute it," he said. He argued that the species was suffering due to a lack of fresh water. "The Delta smelt is doing terribly, by the way. They are saving it by not giving it water."


Netizens, in response, mocked, "What is delta smelt and how is this related to anything?" Another quipped, "I certainly understand why MAGAs would flock to attend speeches like this. They're so educational." "Trump’s expertise in so many subjects is breathtaking. That guy knows everything about everything," an X user sarcastically added


But that's not all. The Republican leader also went on an unhinged rant on X about 'liberating' the country. He claimed that the United States is being referred to as 'Occupied America' around the globe. The GOP nominee declared that election day would be a new dawn and labeled it as 'freedom day.' He also promised to rescue every town and put criminals in jail if he wins a second term

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