Square Enix is joining the list of major game giants to host a pre-E3 presser this year. This brings the total to six separate conferences: Microsoft, Sony, EA, Ubisoft, Bethesda and now Square Enix. No news on whether Nintendo will host a conference or rely on a Nintendo Direct message, much like they’ve done the past few years.
Announced via the Square Enix blog , the Final Fantay publisher hopes to showcase their E3 offering directly to the media, investors and, of course, fans without anyone else filtering their message. The show will take place at 12 PM EST/9 AM PST, just three hours before the doors open at E3 on Tuesday, June 16.
Speculation is already abounding with what Square Enix might have to showcase. Final Fantasy XV is definitely going to be on the dockets as it one of the major releases by the Japanese publisher coming up. In addition, we might see some footage and learn more about Kingdom Hearts III . And while Rise of the Tomb Raider will likely be shown at Microsoft’s press conference the day before, seeing as how it’s a Xbox One exclusive at the moment, we can be sure Square Enix will want to show off the next installment in Lara Croft’s journey themselves, too.
While the press conferences aren’t actually a part of the Electronic Entertainment Expo, they do hold a ton of sway over public perception of how the conference goes for each presenter. In fact, they matter so much that in 2013, before E3 officially started, Microsoft was perceived to have lost to Sony, simply based on their media briefings.
Twitter has looked favorably on the conference, with many hoping to see games announced as well as a glimpse at Square Enix’s Kingdom Hearts III . However, since this is the Internet, cynicism also abounds.
First Bethesda, now Square Enix. Dedicated press conferences are great.
— RPG Site (@RPGSite) April 23, 2015
So Square-Enix is going to have an E3 conference. Are we expecting actual Square-Enix games or is just going to be Eidos stuff?
— Robert Boyd (@werezompire) April 23, 2015
Square Enix will host its own E3 conference! Hype intensifies!!! #FFXV
— Ouji (@FinalXV) April 23, 2015
As stated above, Nintendo has yet to announce their briefing. In recent years they have hosted live streams Tuesday morning. If their schedule holds, the Square Enix and Nintendo pressers could conflict with each other. Still, six media briefings before the conference bodes well for fans. This hopefully means that there are a lot of great announcements and offerings for fans to come.
Square Enix has a long history of providing great games to fans, so it is exciting to older gamers to see a known publisher devoting the time to a presser. What are your thoughts on Square Enix announcing a press conference? Exited? Nervous? Sound off in the comments below.
[Images via Square Enix ]