James Franco and many Christian groups probably share the same feelings for anyone making Spring Breakers 2 : they would both hate the idea. In a related report by The Inquisitr , Ashley Benson’s nude scene in Spring Breakers started with a very nervous audition photo. Both Franco and Benson have hinted at one point about a Spring Breakers sequel , but in this case Muse Production is moving ahead with the project without the consent of Franco or writer-director Harmony Korine. The current plan calls for the crew to be squaring off against a group of supposedly militant Christians. So Franco took to Instagram to tell everyone how bad an idea that would be:
“This is not being done with Harmony Korine or my consent. The original was wholly Harmony’s creation, and these producers are capitalizing on that innovative film to make money on a weak sequel. I want everyone to know that whoever is involved in the sequel is jumping on board a poison ship…. Can you imagine someone making the sequel to Taxi Driver without [Martin] Scorcese and [Robert] DeNiro’s consents? Insanity! I’m speaking up for Harmony and his original vision and for any creative person who cares about preserving artistic integrity.”
Of course, Franco played the character Alien in the original, and since his character is supposedly dead it would not make sense to have the actor in Spring Breakers 2. But producer Chris Hanely has already responded to the attack by Franco, saying that the talent they’ve gathered does not deserve Franco’s criticism:
“Franco is a sequel junkie in his own reality, embracing the too big to fail studio system that is his meal ticket to dilettante artistic side shows, while he glibly attacks real independent filmmakers dedicated to independent points of view. These aren’t weak or lame artists.”
Would you go see Spring Breakers 2: The Second Coming based upon the current planned plot?