Taylor Swift’s latest album Speak Now ended up scaring the hell out of her fans. Swifties bought vinyl copies of her album, but somehow, the voice inside them spooked the admirers. Rachel Hunter, known as @mischief_marauder on TikTok, posted a video about this that has gained 4.2 million views and over 470k likes. “Please help me,” the fan pleaded as the voices in her vinyl continued to “creep her out.”

According to New York Post , Hunter expected the pop sensation’s melodious voice when she played the orchid vinyl from the album. However, it was not Swift’s voice. The fan instead heard a rather strange voice that increased her heartbeat out of fear. She captioned the video, “Send help. I got ‘ Speak Now ‘ (not Taylor’s version). This is so funny.” Fortunately, Hunter documented her eerie experience after she dropped them on the turntable needle.
In the clip, Hunter held the vinyl and explained what she meant. She said, “Does anyone else’s Speak Now vinyl not have Taylor Swift on it? Because I’ve just played mine for the first time.” Soon after the vinyl spun on the turntable, her story began to make sense. Instead of the Bad Blood singer, some other woman’s voice spoke of “flakes of flesh” and other dark things.
With background music, the voice said, “Quit looking at the flakes of flesh and dancing organisms / Or rather jump the imprint of freaking attacks of anxiety / This all fell on my face after a dive and a trippy joint.” Hunter immediately exclaimed, “Who is this?” Because any loyal Swiftie can tell it was not the pop star’s voice.
Regardless, Hunter thought it might be some prank or a surprise message from the singer, so she flipped the vinyl to the B-side. Little did she know, it would get weirder and more haunting. A recorded-robotic sound echoed the same “creepy” sentence thrice. “The 70 billion people of Earth, where are they hiding?” a recorded robotic agent demanded.
Hunter shared with BBC how it creeped her out because she played it around midnight. She recalled, “It was a little scary. I was by myself. I thought, Is this a horror film? Because it didn’t feel like real life, especially when you’re expecting Taylor Swift.”
“I was alone, and it was late, and my vinyl was playing creepy messages,” added Hunter. Fellow Swifties were equally horrified by this. A TikToker, @x_mimi_x_mimi_x , wrote, “Please tag me in any update. I need to know what’s happening!” Another fan, @becksnnc , asked, “Is this for real??? This would freak me out, LMAO.”
Fortunately, the vinyl was not “cursed,” and there is a logical explanation for this weird and haunting experience for those who may assume Swift’s new album is “possessed.” The Universal Music Group, the parent company of Swift’s label, Republic Records, told Billboard in a statement, “We are aware that there are an extremely limited number of incorrectly pressed vinyl copies in circulation and have addressed the issue.”
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Apparently, the first side was playing an 11-minute “freakout” piece called True Romance by the short-lived dance act Thunderhead. The second side was the deep house track Soul Vine (70 Billion People) by reformed punks Cabaret Voltaire — an English electronic group from the ’70s.