Some Netizens Think They Have Cracked Donald Trump's VP Pick: 'Would Be Really Happy'

Some Netizens Think They Have Cracked Donald Trump's VP Pick: 'Would Be Really Happy'
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Anna Moneymaker

If some internet users are to be believed, former US President Donald Trump was apparently in Ohio a few days ago to ask Vivek Ramaswamy to be his vice-presidential candidate. While this claim remains unverified, it has certainly stirred excitement among some supporters who are eager to see Ramaswamy as Trump's running mate. One particular user tweeted, "This could very well be fake news but the claim is that Trump was in Ohio a few days ago to ask Vivek Ramaswamy to be his VP. I would be really happy if this turns out to be his pick."


On X, people reacted with excitement and anticipation. One user, @CarlLiber, asked the OP, "Would you consider voting for Trump if Vivek is the VP?" to which @LibertyLockPod replied, "Yeah, I'd have to consider it." Another user, @jsn_schmitz, added, "That would say a lot. We may see real change in our lifetime. Trump announced he would end the Department of Education. Maybe Vivek sold him on that direction, at least."


@freedomonfire chimed in, "If we want actual change, this is the way." Meanwhile, @SonjaAgora noted, "I thought the rumour was that he would be Chief of Staff. I'd sleep a lot better if he was VP though." @DadioKillerB expressed hope, saying, "I hope this is NOT fake news," and @czar_of_NI declared, "If Vivek is Trump's VP, I vote Trump." @RegalCathedral praised, "Vivek is exceptionally bright. I would be very excited if this news were true."


During a campaign stop in Philadelphia, Trump revealed that he has already made a decision regarding his VP. When asked by NBC if he had chosen his running mate, Trump responded affirmatively, saying, "In my mind, yeah," as per Time. Interestingly, Trump mentioned that his chosen candidate is not yet aware of their selection. “No, nobody knows,” he said, adding a layer of intrigue to his announcement. Trump also hinted that his running mate might be present at the upcoming presidential debate against incumbent Joe Biden, scheduled for Thursday. “They'll be there,” he told NBC, “I think we have a lot of people coming." Though Bloomberg reported back in March that Trump was not looking at the Indian-American biotech entrepreneur as his running mate, it seems like anything can happen in the future, particularly if some netizens are to be believed. 

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by David Dee Delgado
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by David Dee Delgado

In related news, Ramaswamy's podcast Truth has also shed more insight into his 'anti-woke' views, as per USA Today. In particular, it seemed as though he did not open up much about becoming the potential VP pick, stating that his career was all about putting 'the cart before the horse.' But it did seem that he would have an important role to play in the Department of Homeland Security. He also said on The Aarthi and Sriram Show podcast, "We’ll see what happens in the next 10 months."

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