The saga of the embryo battle continues. Modern Family star Sofia Vergara and ex-fiance Nick Loeb are in the midst of a heated battle to decide the fate of two baby girl embryos the couple had frozen when they were together. While Nick argues that leaving the embryos in a frozen state is the same as killing them, Sofia Vergara does not agree.
A contract was signed in 2013 stating that the embryos could be implanted into a surrogate only if both Vergara and Loeb agreed. As reported by USA Today, Sofia Vergara spoke with radio personality Howard Stern regarding the ongoing embryo battle .
“I totally understand him. Fortunately or unfortunately, there is law. You signed legal papers. If it was serious for him, this issue — which I totally respect is for someone — he should have taken it more seriously. There is a contract…Even if it’s life or not life, that’s not what he signed!”
Listen to a portion of the interview below. The Bump defines an embryo as an unborn baby’s state of development.
“‘The embryo is defined as the developing pregnancy from the time of fertilization until the end of the eighth week of gestation, when it becomes known as a fetus,’ says James A. O’Brien, MD, ob-gyn, medical director of inpatient obstetrics at Women & Infants Hospital of Rhode Island. During the embryonic period, cells begin to take on different functions. The brain, heart, lungs, internal organs, and arms and legs begin to form. Once baby is a fetus, it’s more about growth and development to prep for life on the outside.
It seems that Vergara and Loeb have two completely different perspectives on their embryo battle. While it is a legal matter to Vergara, Nick feels it’s more a matter of life and death. He makes his stance very clearly known in the opinion column he wrote, published by the New York Times.
“When we create embryos for the purpose of life, should we not define them as life, rather than as property? I asked her to let me have the embryos, offering to pay for all expenses to carry our girls to term and raise them. If she did not wish to share custody, I would take on full parenting responsibilities and agree to have her declared an egg donor. She has refused.”
The Vergara embryo battle has ignited a debate in the pro-life community. Many have taken to Twitter in support of Nick’s battle to bring life to his embryo daughters.
This case could help out #prolife supporters. Sofia Vergara’s Ex Nick Loeb Defends Suit Over Embryos
— Derek (@Dahlman1890) May 1, 2015
Interesting #Law battle underway Sofia Vergara & Ex-Fiance Fight Over Frozen Embryo Daughters #prolife #prochoice — Tiana Sakr (@wombs_intl) April 22, 2015
Just as many, however, are not sympathetic with his side in the battle at all.
if @nick_loeb was truly prolife & considers embryos people, he wouldn’t do IVF since several embryos R created & destroyed in the process — coco (@beautyaddict112) May 1, 2015
What do you think about the Sofia Vergara embryo battle? Is it life, or isn’t it?
[Image via Noticias Sin ]