Social Media Accuses Fox News Host and Judge Jeanine Pirro of Hypocrisy Over Donald Trump Verdict

Social Media Accuses Fox News Host and Judge Jeanine Pirro of Hypocrisy Over Donald Trump Verdict
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by John Lamparski; (Inset) Photo by James Devaney

Fox News host, Judge Jeanine Pirro, faced accusations of blatant hypocrisy for her contrasting stances on Donald Trump. In 2016, Jeanine emphatically stated, "We cannot have a country led by a president subject to ongoing criminal investigations, potential indictments, and never-ending hearings," as per Washinton Post.

However, when Trump was found guilty on all 34 counts in his recent New York criminal trial, Jeanine sang a vastly different tune.

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Steven Ferdman
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Steven Ferdman

After the jury announced the guilty verdict for Trump, Jeanine claimed on air that America had "gone over a cliff." In a lengthy diatribe, she alleged the trial was completely rigged against Trump.

"This is the verdict of someone who was forced to fight a 1,000-pound gorilla with both hands tied behind his back. This was a defendant for whom crimes were created, against whom a judge...was handpicked for this defendant, who denied him the ability to fight the way he needed to fight," as per Fox News.


Jeanine criticized the trial judge and the charges filed, and also referred to the prosecution's key witness, Michael Cohen as 'a serial perjurer'. The hypocrisy did not go unnoticed by netizens who flocked to X to slam Jeanine.

@Unfilteredboss1 posted, "Fox News Host Judge Jeanine Pirro: We cannot have a country led by a President subject to ongoing criminal investigations, potential indictments, and never-ending hearings. Guilt is a moot point! They cannot take the Oval Office!! Hypocrisy thy name is Jeanine. #TrumpTrial." Another user @KiwiFruityFooey, echoed, "She was right about this on Hillary, yet she falls silent cause Trump is her pal. Tragic. It really is a cult, isn't it?"


@Alaskacryptogi1 ranted, "You're a filthy Democrat. You have gone full circle to prove what I knew all along." @thorvarg mocked, "If I imagine all these cultists and hypocrites on Judgement Day, I am absolutely excited." @wiseoldowl1951 quipped, "She knows which side richly butters her bread..." Earlier this month, after Stormy Daniels' testimony, Jeanine appeared alongside Trump outside the Manhattan courthouse.

According to OK! Magazine, Trump had summoned Jeanine, whispering 'come' as he left the courtroom. That evening, he told his followers to watch her appearance on Sean Hannity's show. As foreshadowed, Jeanine helped Trump "violate his gag order" by speaking on his behalf later that night.



Interestingly, days before Joe Biden took office in 2021, the former President issued a flurry of last-minute pardons, including one for Al Pirro Jr., the ex-husband of Jeanine, who had served time for tax evasion.

Jeanine, a staunch Trump supporter, was reportedly upset that her ex-husband wasn't initially on the pardon list, but Trump managed to squeeze in the pardon just before leaving office, as per CNBC. In light of the same, Jeanine seems to be paying her debt to the Republican front-runner by voicing in his favor on air.

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