Saturday Night Live jumped right into the two biggest controversies of the week during their cold opening this week. SNL mocked Lance Armstrong’s unapologetic interview with Oprah as well as Manti Te’0’s non-existent dead girlfriend during the start of last night’s episode with host Jennifer Lawrence .
SNL used Piers Morgan Tonight as the setting for its cold opening. Jason Sudeikis played Lance Armstrong, who said that he decided to appear on Piers Morgan Tonight because no one could figure out what channel the Own Network was on their televisions. (In reality, more than 3 million people tuned in.)
Lance, who started the interview by calling Piers a “fat bitch,” said:
“I’m sorry. That was my fault. I accept full responsibility even though you did provoke me. So I think it’s probably 70/30, with a lot of the blame on you … A lot of the reason I just yelled was because of the cancer I had, which is not an excuse, unless you think it is … The most important thing is I never, ever called anyone a fat bitch.”
Lance went on to describe his doping method.
Lance said:
“It wasn’t all that sophisticated. All I actually did was steroids, testosterone human growth hormones, EPO, and I replace all of my blood with better blood. So is that sophisticated, I don’t know. Is it cheating? Maybe. Am I sorry? Yes- ish. PS. No.”
Manti Te-o and Jodie Foster also make an appearance during the cold opening.
Here’s the video of SNL mocking Lance Armstong, Manti Te-o, Jodie Foster and Piers Morgan.
You can watch the entire episode here .