Stand-up comedian and actor Bill Burr got a little awkward in his promo for Saturday Night Live , airing this Saturday, October 10. The episode marks Burr’s debut as a host for the long-running show. NBC ‘s SNL released two versions of the spot with Burr and cast member Kenan Thompson. A third video focuses on former cast member Maya Rudolph’s return as Sen. Kamala Harris.
Burr and Thompson stood near each other at center stage, both wearing masks and similar, cool-toned outfits. Burr introduced himself as this week’s host, then explained that “right now [he’s] doing the awkward promo.” He asked Thompson how it felt, to which Thompson replied “pretty awkward.”
The second version — appearing in the same clip — featured the duo again as Burr introduced himself to Thompson.
“Hey, Kenan, maybe they’ll let me do my music too!”
Thompson then chimed in.
“I heard a clear no,” he said.
The exchange is a nod to SNL ‘s removal of musical guest Morgan Wallace earlier today, as reported by The Inquisitr .
Returning to play Harris for the night is Maya Rudolph, featured in her own promo at NBC . The voice of a reporter mentioning the recent vice presidential debate played as the clip began. The camera focused on a close-up of a wig styled for the senator’s signature dark burgundy waves. In front of a makeup mirror, a pair of hands picked up the wig to place on Rudolph, who was sitting and facing the mirror. Rudolph adjusted the wig before a makeup artist, protected by a mask and face shield, took over adjustments.
The angles focused on details of Rudolph’s wardrobe as the Democratic vice presidential nominee: the fine crease of her gray lapels, modest pearls, and classic black and white Converse. The shoes are a reference to the senator’s known love of Chuck Taylors, which she talked about in a 2018 article in The Cut . She can often be seen sporting a pair from her collection at public events.
The medley of news anchor-style quotes rose along with the camera’s movement from Rudolph’s shoes up to a full body shot. A woman’s voice finally announces the following.
“Of course, Maya Rudolph returning as Kamala Harris.”
The video then quickly cut to a dimly lit hallway of 30 Rockefeller Center, as Rudolph faced down the camera, fully transformed into Harris. She puckered her lips and her voiceover impression of Harris ended the promo with “Oh, this is a debate?”
The vice presidential debate between the senator and Vice President Mike Pence took place on Wednesday, October 7, leaving fewer than three days for SNL ‘s cast and crew to write their own interpretation of candidates’ talking points. Cast member Beck Bennett has played Pence in previous sketches involving the vice president, and he is expected to reprise his role this Saturday as well.