A six-year-old boy was left alone and crying outside of an empty daycare center that had closed early for Veterans Day, WATE (Knoxville) is reporting .
Megan Talley wants answers. She says that her son, whose name has not been made public, was dropped off at Precious Memories day care center in Parrotsville by his bus driver after school on Monday. However, the center had closed early that day for Veterans Day, and Talley says that information wasn’t passed on to either her or the bus driver.
The driver, doing what he was instructed to do, dropped the boy off at daycare. Why he or she didn’t make sure there was an adult to receive Talley’s son isn’t clear, but the driver drove off, and the boy was left there by himself.
It wasn’t until one of the boy’s school teachers happened to drive by that someone realized the boy was there alone. The teacher called Megan in a near-panic.
“Oh my God. How long has he been by himself? What’s going on? Why isn’t anyone there?”
Now that the boy is home, safe and sound, Talley is trying to figure out the breakdown in communication that led to the horrifying incident.
Talley says she was never made aware that Precious Memories was going to close early for Veterans Day. What’s more, she says that, since the day actually fell on a Saturday, there would be no closings on Monday.
Owner Pam Suggs, however, says that she gave all parents of children in her care a schedule of holidays in a packet sent home with each child. Further, she says she wrote a note reminding parents of the closing and taped it to the front window of the daycare center. Talley, whose son was not in daycare the previous week, says she never saw the sign.
Suggs admits that the communication system failed somewhere along the line.
“I think it was just a miscommunication and she just did not know that we were closed.”
Talley, for her part, has filed a complaint with the Tennessee Department of Human Services. In an email to WATE, the agency confirmed that it had received a complaint about the school but could not provide further details due to confidentiality rules.
[Featured Image by Jose Luis Carrascosa/Shutterstock]