Following her separation from Kody Brown last year, Meri Brown has undergone a remarkable and glamorous transformation. However, some fans have raised concerns that she may have gone overboard with filters in her most recent picture. As reported by Daily Mail, Meri Brown has faced criticism for excessive photo editing in an Instagram post that she shared on Thursday. Fans of the reality TV star from the show Sister Wives expressed their disapproval, claiming that Meri used way too many filters in her photos. They said that this resulted in her appearing nearly unrecognizable in her selfie.
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Posing alongside a close friend, the 52-year-old radiated joy in a close-up snapshot. In the shared photo, the star of Sister Wives seemed to have achieved a remarkably smooth complexion, with all imperfections eliminated. Her eyes appeared more vibrant, her teeth appeared whiter, and her makeup seemed flawlessly applied.
The photo was uploaded on Reddit, where critics voiced their opinions. One individual described it as a “FaceTune nightmare.” A user commented, “I really wish filters like this weren’t so prominent. Women age. We have fine lines and wrinkles. It’s not a bad thing. As long as she is happy, that’s what matters. But for me personally…I feel like it causes MORE self-scrutiny in the long run.” Another critic noted, “Why does she do this when we see her real face on TV??” Some individuals pointed out minor editing mishaps, with one person writing the following observation: “If I were Meri and I were going to edit my selfies, making that tooth match my others in color is literally the first thing I would do. Yet that’s the one thing she leaves alone.”
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Several fans came to her defense, and one social media user even responded to the aforementioned comment by offering a counterpoint. They said, “Why do you care? It doesn’t affect you.” Numerous commenters expressed their support and solidarity with Meri by leaving comments like “I think she looks perfectly acceptable and more importantly happy. It’s the age of filters, so I’m not sure why all the negative comments…?”
In December, Meri Brown announced the decision to separate from Kody after being together for over 30 years. She subsequently disclosed that it was Kody who initiated the end of their relationship and further conveyed that the dissolution of their bond had been a painful experience. During an episode of Sister Wives: One on One , Meri had the opportunity to view a clip where Kody expressed that he does not consider himself married to her. As reported by Mirror , in a confession recorded for the cameras, he revealed, “If she wanted to move on and marry another, she wouldn’t get into an argument with me.”
Host Sukanya Krishnan inquired about Meri’s emotional response upon hearing those words from Kody. “It just doesn’t make sense to me that he would be so frustrated with Christine and be like, ‘She just made this decision. We didn’t consult, we didn’t talk, she just made the decision’ and then he says, ‘No, I don’t consider myself married to Meri’. Like, he just made the decision. I’ve never heard him say that to me,” Meri admitted.