In a heart-wrenching and unexpected incident, the world of Sister Wives was shaken to its core as Janelle Brown and Kody Brown addressed the devastating loss of their 25-year-old son, Garrison Brown. News broke that Garrison had tragically passed away at his residence in Flagstaff, Arizona, where he had been residing independently, having moved away from his family, as reported by Page Six . Authorities from the Flagstaff Police Department quickly responded to reports of the incident at Garrison’s home. Upon arrival, they discovered the heartbreaking scene, confirming that Garrison had succumbed to what appeared to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
The Flagstaff Police Department, who disclosed that it was Garrison’s brother Gabriel who discovered him at their residence, have indicated that they do not suspect any foul play. The authorities are treating Garrison’s passing as a suicide and are conducting a thorough investigation. Meanwhile, Janelle has taken to social media to share her grief, posting a poignant photo of her beloved son. According to TMZ , she wrote, “Kody and I are deeply saddened to announce the loss of our beautiful boy Robert Garrison Brown. He was a bright spot in the lives of all who knew him. His loss will leave such a big hole in our lives that it takes our breath away. We ask that you please respect our privacy and join us in honoring his memory.”
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Additionally, TLC also said, “We are devastated to hear of the tragic loss of Garrison Brown. We extend our deepest sympathies and heartfelt condolences to the Brown family at this difficult time.” Garrison had been a familiar face on the reality show Sister Wives since 2010, a show that delves into the polygamous life led by his 55-year-old father, Kody. His mother, Janelle, was one of Kody’s wives until their separation in 2022. The family, including Garrison, had previously resided in Utah before making the move to Las Vegas.
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Garrison was one of Kody’s numerous children, surrounded by several siblings and half-siblings, many of whom have made appearances alongside him on the show. The fourth child of Kody and Janelle, he shared a close bond with his five full siblings and two half-siblings from separate marriages. Despite his initial aspiration to join the Army, Garrison ultimately opted to serve in the National Guard. Known for his vibrant presence on social media, he frequently shared glimpses of his life and pets with his followers. In his last Instagram post, he introduced a cat, his newest feline companion, affectionately named Ms. Buttons.
Throughout the years, Garrison’s relationship with his father was marked by ups and downs, a journey that played out on the television screens of Sister Wives . The reality series chronicled Garrison and Gabriel’s disagreement with Kody’s stringent COVID-19 protocols, as detailed by US Weekly . In a conflicting narrative, Kody wanted his sons to apologize to his fourth wife, Robyn Brown, alleging that they had treated her poorly. The patriarch made it clear that if the boys refused to apologize, they would not be welcome at future family gatherings. Such situations have likely added to the sorrow felt by Garrison’s loved ones, particularly his mother, Janelle, who recently shared her battle with a cancer scare, having undergone the removal of two pre-cancerous growths.