An Alabama shark attack on the bay side of Dauphin Island had one fisherman named Jamie Robson fighting back to save his leg by using his fishing rod to whack the shark on the head.
In a related report by The Inquisitr , a shark attack prevention device called SharkStopper attempts to “shoo away” Great White Sharks and other predators of the deep. Another piece of shark attack prevention tech called the Clever Buoy uses smart sonar to warn all swimmers in the area if a shark happens to be coming in toward the beach. But apparently the best shark attack prevention of all is being a woman since shark attacks target men nine times more often than women.
On Saturday afternoon around 1 p.m., Dauphin Island Police say the 43-year-old man suffered the shark bite while he was fishing near the Katrina Cut. Mr. Robson was standing in the water reeling in a fish when the shark attack happened.
“He was not coming for me, he was coming for the fish, and unfortunately, I guess I got in the way of the shark,” recalled Robson. “He grabbed a hold of my leg, and at that time, I took my rod, jammed the butt end of my rod into the top of the head of the shark, and he released me.”
Robson managed to drive his jet ski back to a boat launch where he called for help. Responding authorities took him to Springhill Medical Center where he is currently recovering. But it turns out Robson has had a previous brush with ocean marine life where he found himself in danger.
Several years ago, Robson was stung by a stingray and almost lost the same leg that was latched onto during the shark attack. Robson says many people underestimate the danger of a stingray and cautions other fishermen and swimmers to look out when they enter the water.
“I’d like to caution people, I don’t think people understand how dangerous a sting from a stingray can be, not to mention how incredibly painful they are,” he said, “so there’s a lot of stuff out there that can hurt people, people need to be smart and know where they’re going, know what’s around them, know how to treat it, and that sort of thing. The best thing to do, is not go fishing by yourself, have somebody with you, because if this was more severe, he would’ve been in a lot of trouble.”
According to FOX10 , Robson won’t be forgetting the lesson learned from this Alabama shark attack any time soon. From now on, he plans on sticking to fishing from the safety of a boat instead of standing in the water.
[Image via Alex Wollin]