Actress Selma Blair revealed that she had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, otherwise known as MS, in October of 2018. Since being diagnosed, she has suffered from pain and has struggled with coordination. At times, she relies on a cane or scooter to help her get around. Despite her new challenges, she sure hasn’t lost her sense of humor — or determination. Blair recently shared a comical Instagram video depicting how she gets ready in the mornings with limited coordination, according to Women’s Health .
MS may have taken away Blair’s motor skills that once enabled her to precisely apply her makeup. However, that doesn’t mean she can’t still have fun while getting ready for the day. In her video, she uses a large fluffy brush to apply her makeup in a matter of seconds before calling it a finished job.
“MS people: Brush. Big. Bronzer. There, done. Stop. Bye,” she joked before erupting in laughter.
She went on to emphasize that the video was not to be taken seriously.
“My fine motor skills aren’t, like, fine a this moment. So I just want to say I’m gonna probably give a makeup tutorial, never. But if I do, then you know I’m really just trying to have fun.”
Selma Blair Shares A Funny MS Makeup Tutorial
— Gina Lawriw (@GinaLawriw) April 2, 2019
Since being diagnosed with MS, Blair has noticed that people often rub her face in attempt to blend in the makeup she applied that morning. Because of increased difficulty controlling her movements, it’s simple tasks like this that she finds more trouble completing.
“I notice, I put my makeup on in the morning, and all day, people are rubbing my face, and I’m saying, ‘Whatcha doin?’”
While others might be insulted by people touching their face in this manner, Blair only laughs it off in her traditional fashion. This diagnosis was life changing for her, but she has fought to find the good in it, according to Self . Because of her public following, she is able to give a voice to others that suffer from this neurological condition. Blair doesn’t try to sugarcoat her symptoms and has been candid regarding the new daily challenges she faces. At times, her brain is foggy and she finds herself dropping things more than usual. Nevertheless, she is full of gratitude because of the support system she is surrounded by.
Shortly after receiving her diagnosis, the actress shared a heartfelt Instagram post thanking her followers, fans, and friends who have stood by her throughout this difficult time.
“Thank you and may we all know good days amongst the challenges,” she wrote.