Sandy Hook Elementary school has been evacuated after a threatening phone call was received at the Connecticut school today. According to WFSB , the call was a bomb threat , but everyone at the school is safe. The students were quickly moved from the school to a neighboring school where they will be released to their parents. Although a frightening ordeal, the Newtown Superintendent of Schools sent out a voicemail to reassure parents that their children are not in any danger.
“All students and all staff are absolutely 100 percent safe. Sandy Hook will dismiss at noontime because of a low to no threat scare,” Superintendent Dr. Joseph V. Erardi Jr. said.
Sandy Hook Elementary School received the call around 9:30 this morning. Police were immediately called to the school, and the property was searched inside and out. Authorities say that they didn’t find anything suspicious, and that the school is completely safe. Students are expected to be back for regularly scheduled classes on Thursday.
According to WHDH , Monroe Police Lt. Brian McCauley said that the school was evacuated as a precaution. There is going to be a meeting tonight at Sandy Hook High School auditorium for any parents who have questions about the days’ events.
Sandy Hook students have been attending school at the former Chalk Hill Middle School in Monroe, Connecticut, which is located on Fan Hill Road. The previous Sandy Hook Elementary School was torn down after a 2012 shooting. According to The Inquisitr , 26 students and staff were killed by a gunman on that terrible day.
[Photo courtesy of The Newtown Bee via MDJ]