Roseanne Barr is tired of everyone getting it wrong, and she’s decided to do something about it. The actress/comedian has been trying to explain why she said what she said in that now-infamous-yet-deleted tweet about Valerie Jarrett, but each time she tries, something seems to go wrong. The latest attempt was on the Rabbi Shmuley Podcast this past weekend, reports PEOPLE . But Monday night, Barr sent out a message, on Twitter , of course, saying how she plans to handle it from now on.
“After a lot of thought, I decided that I won’t be doing any TV interviews, too stressful & untrustworthy 4 me & my fans. I’m going to film it myself & post it on my youtube channel in the next week-the entire explanation of what happened & why! I love you all-sign up & get ready.”
This is either the smartest move the savvy businesswoman could make, or it could end up getting her deeper in the hole. After all, the tweet about Valerie Jarrett was Barr unvarnished — and it ended up costing her a television show and the respect of thousands if not millions of fans. She has said as recently as July 1 that she’s mulling offers for a comeback, as previously reported by the Inquisitr .
New hair!
— Roseanne Barr (@therealroseanne) July 8, 2018
Does she really want to jeopardize anything by revisiting this once again? On that recent podcast, she tried to explain that she had nothing personal against the former Obama advisor but rather her issue was what she has done.
“My sister helped me because she’s a Torah student too, and she helped me to say, ‘the work of your hands … makes me feel threatened,’” she said. “I shouldn’t have said, you know, like you said — don’t make it personal. But you kind of have to when it’s, like, the work of your hand is what I’m against — not you personally — but the work of your hands.”
This is the second time she has tried to explain what she was thinking on Rabbi Shmuley Boteach’s podcast. It is unclear what prompted the tweet Monday evening, but Barr had said in a tweet over the weekend that she would be doing a television interview this week and would share details about it on Monday. Instead, this tweet was sent out. So it doesn’t seem like it’s related to the podcasts but perhaps the interview she thought she would be doing fell through — and that is the broken trust she was referencing. Either way, chances are the YouTube video that she is planning to create will be must-see viewing.