Movie legend Robert De Niro has lost a prestigious leadership award following his series of fiery anti-Trump remarks outside the former president’s criminal trial . The 80-year-old Oscar -winner was scheduled to receive the National Association of Broadcasters’ Service to America Award this month in Washington , D.C., but the organization rescinded the honor, citing their commitment to maintaining a “proudly bi-partisan” ceremony.
In an exclusive word with The Hill , the spokesperson of NAB shared, “This event is proudly bipartisan, bringing together individuals from across the political spectrum to celebrate the impactful work of local broadcasters and our partners. We fully support every American’s right to free speech and civic engagement.”
He added, “While we strongly support the right of every American to exercise free speech and participate in civic engagement, it is clear that Mr. De Niro’s recent high-profile activities will create a distraction from the philanthropic work that we were hoping to recognize. To maintain the focus on the service of the award winners, Mr. De Niro will no longer be attending the event.”
Instant karma’_ Robert De Niro stripped of leadership award after Trump outburst #reports #usatoday
— America History (@AmericaHistory8) June 2, 2024
De Niro, a long-time critic of Donald Trump , was invited by Joe Biden ‘s presidential campaign to speak at the press conference. The actor strongly criticized Trump, deeming him a ‘threat’ to the nation for inciting the violence and destruction at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. “I don’t intend to scare you.
Actually, on second thought, maybe I do. If Trump makes it back to the White House, you can say goodbye to the freedoms we take for granted, and elections will be a thing of the past,” De Niro asserted. The actor went so far as to call Trump a ‘clown’.
People I’ve never heard of giggling about an award-winning actor with an incredible career being “stripped” of an award. Robert DeNiro
— Complain Jane🌊💙 (@CJane0123) June 2, 2024
According to Daily Star , he said, “We’ve forgotten historical lessons about other clowns who weren’t taken seriously until they turned into ruthless dictators. With Trump, we have a second chance, and no one finds it funny anymore. This is the moment to stop him by voting him out for good. If he gets back in, I can assure you, he will never leave.”
He ranted, “He doesn’t belong in my city. We New Yorkers used to tolerate him when he was just another grubby real estate hustler masquerading as a big shot. A two-bit playboy lying his way into the tabloids, pretending to be a spokesman – a spokesperson for himself.”
Should celebrities stay out of politics? Actor Robert de Niro has been stripped of an award after he protested outside of Donald Trump’s trial, calling the former US President a ‘monster’. Is he right to get involved? @nelufar | @mikeparry8 | @theJeremyVine | #JeremyVine
— Jeremy Vine & Storm Huntley on 5 (@JeremyVineOn5) June 3, 2024
“But it’s a coward’s violence. Do you think Trump ever threw a punch himself or took one? This guy who ran and hid in the White House bunker when there were protesters outside? No way. You know my view of Donald Trump…he’s a monster. He should not be allowed… listen – he cannot be president of the United States again, never, ever,” De Niro continued.
“People know that, and many people know that and are afraid to say something, but people have to speak up now and say, and acknowledge to themselves that he’s a monster, and they might be afraid, but they’ve got to speak up. This is the moment of truth for this country. Period.”