Rick Perry is once again stirring up controversy, saying he wants guns to be allowed in movie theaters. The former Texas governor, now a Republican presidential hopeful, believes Thursday night’s shooting in the Lafayette, Louisiana movie theater supports his idea that gun-free zones are “a bad idea” and that it “makes a lot of sense” to allow guns in movie theaters. Allowing guns in theaters could lessen or even prevent future tragedies, according to Perry’s way of thinking.
In an interview with host Jake Tapper of CNN’s State of the Union , Perry explained why he wants guns to be allowed in movie theaters.
“I think that you allow the citizens of this country, who have been appropriately trained, appropriately backgrounded, know how to use firearms, to carry them. If we believe in the second amendment and if we believe in people’s rights to protect themselves and their families–to tell them they cannot carry a weapon that they are legally obliged to carry, that they have been through the training for, makes no sense to me.”
Perry went on to say if people were permitted to carry guns in theaters, the impact of Thursday night’s tragedy could have been lessened or even prevented .
“I believe, with all my heart, that if you have the citizens who are well trained, and particularly in these places that are considered to be gun-free zones, that we can stop that type of activity, or stop it before there’s as many people that are impacted as what we saw in Lafayette,” he said told Tapper.
Gun control is a hotly debated topic with those for and against staunchly defending their views with little to no compromise. The majority of Twitter seems to oppose what Rick Perry wants.
Rick Perry is literally the dumbest person on this planet
— nicole d (@The_RealBigTuna) July 26, 2015
Rick Perry wants us to take our guns to the movies. Because when the shooting starts, we all need in on the action. #LetBulletsFly
— Jim Heath (@JimHeathTV) July 26, 2015
Rick Perry is as dumb as you think he is.
— Temp X (@Tempdiaries) July 26, 2015
Rick Perry encouraging people to bring guns to theaters is yelling “Fire!” on a mass-scale. Should be absolutely chastised/removed.
— [Mystery Executive] (@MysteryExec) July 26, 2015
Has it really come to this? CNN: Rick Perry: Let us take our guns to the movies http://t.co/PwTNsJh7kl
— Craig Zadan (@craigzadan) July 26, 2015
John Russell “Rusty” Houser opened fire during a Thursday night showing of Trainwreck in Lafayette, Louisiana. Eleven people were shot, two were killed, before the shooter fatally turned the gun on himself. Enforcement of gun laws continues to be an issue. Perry said current laws should have prevented the shooter from obtaining a gun due to his history of mental illness and criminal record.
What Rick Perry wants seems like a bad idea to many people. Would allowing guns in movie theaters prevent mass shootings, or is what Rick Perry wants an unrealistic solution?
[Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images]