Real Housewives of Atlanta star Porsha Williams has welcomed her new baby girl to her family. On Thursday, Williams was sharing video clips showing all of the preparations she had been making at home and she even shared a shot showing off her baby bump. Now, she’s given birth and RHOA fans cannot wait to learn more.
According to People , Porsha welcomed her baby girl on Friday at 1:36 p.m. The little girl was born weighing 6 pounds, 15 ounces, and measured 20 inches long.
Porsha’s beau Dennis shared a statement with the media outlet, noting that he and his lady were “happy and blessed” to announce that “Baby PJ” had arrived. The couple thanked everybody for following along on this journey of theirs and added that they couldn’t imagine a more magical moment than their daughter’s birth.
Williams has been open in the past about the worries she has had about carrying this pregnancy to term and she’s acknowledged that the pregnancy came as a surprise. Despite all of that, the journey allowed the couple to further develop their relationship and focus on building a strong foundation for their growing family.
As The Inquisitr recently shared, Porsha had just shared gorgeous photos on Thursday showing her big baby bump as she lounged by the pool. Williams suffered a miscarriage six years ago and has said this pregnancy was absolutely a dream come true for her.
Fans knew that the RHOA star would be delivering her baby soon. On Thursday, Williams shared several clips via her Instagram Stories showing how her house was all organized for the little girl’s arrival. Baby bottles were in place in the kitchen and Porsha said that the whole house had been taken care of so the family would be set.
A few hours before the announcement of the baby’s arrival, McKinley shared a photo via his Instagram page showing the couple ready to welcome their little girl. Porsha and Dennis were sitting together on a hospital bed, smiling, and he said it was about to go down.
Over the next few hours, McKinley shared a few additional shots via his Instagram Stories . He showed Porsha getting settled and surrounded by “The Mommas” and he teased fans with a plate of iced cookies showing all sorts of girl “P” names. He also shared a shot showing him changed into blue scrubs and ready for action.
As Page Six notes, it looked like the final contenders in terms of a name included Paris, Pilar, Pia, Paige, Po, and Penelope. So far, Porsha and Dennis haven’t shared any photos of Baby PJ or revealed what name they’ve chosen, but additional details should emerge soon. Congratulations to Porsha Williams and Dennis McKinley on the arrival of their baby girl!