Rex Tillerson Exposes Donald Trump’s Problematic Behavior, Describing Him As ‘Undisciplined’

Published on: December 7, 2018 at 2:49 PM

Rex Tillerson is the latest former member of the Trump administration to voice his unfavorable opinion of Donald Trump. It’s no secret the Trump administration is relatively complicated but now, Rex Tillerson is opening up about his professional experiences with Trump. By now, everyone knows Tillerson was fired by Trump back in March, but he’s admitting just how difficult it was to actually work with the president. According to the former secretary of state, Donald Trump had a relatively unconventional way of handling situations. Based on Tillerson’s statements, Trump reportedly has a tendency of acting “on instincts” while disregarding laws and proper protocol.

According to USA Today , on Thursday, December 7, Rex Tillerson spoke with Bob Schieffer of CBS News at a fundraiser recently held in Houston, Texas. Admitting the Trump administration did not “have a common value system,” Tillerson gave in-depth details about what it’s like to work with Donald Trump.

“He acts on his instincts,” Tillerson said Thursday, according to an excerpt released by the publication. “In some respects, that looks like impulsiveness. But it’s not his intent to act on impulse. I think he really is trying to act on his instincts.” “We did not have a common value system,” Rex Tillerson said. “When the president would say, ‘Well here’s what I want to do. And here’s how I want to do it.’ And I’d have to say to him: ‘Well, Mr. President, I understand what you want to do but you can’t do it that way. It violates the law, it violates a treaty.’ You know. He got really frustrated.”

The latest reports about Rex Tillerson’s experiences with Donald Trump follow a string of reports about the president’s approval rating. Although Trump claims he has a 50 percent approval rating, statistics reportedly show that his average approval rating is actually at an all-time low of 43.3 percent. In addition to Rex Tillerson and many former members of the Trump administration, reports indicate that an overwhelming number of American citizens aren’t exactly pleased with Trump’s work, either. But despite the reports and all of the claims, Trump insists otherwise.

As previously reported on Inquisitr , Donald Trump recently took to Twitter to speak about his approval rating, blaming Robert Mueller’s probe for his approval rating. In fact, Donald Trump even insisted his approval rating would be “at least 75 percent” if it wasn’t for the “phony Russian Witch Hunt.” However, even Rex Tillerson adamantly argues that the Russian controversy isn’t just a collection of baseless fabricated claims brought against Donald Trump. Tillerson has admitted that “there’s no question that Russia meddled, he said, adding that the interference was well-documented within intelligence agencies,” according to the Houston Chronicle .

“What Russia wants to do is undermine our confidence and undermine the world’s confidence in us,” Rex Tillerson said.

For Donald Trump, the scathing reports have been unfavorable, but the president stands behind his beliefs.

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