A resurfaced photo of Meghan Markle shared by her estranged family has piqued public attention. The throwback image went viral online on X (formerly Twitter) in the lead-up to a tell-all interview by her family with 7NEWS Australia last year. The photo captures the Duchess of Sussex in a casual setting, wearing a low-cut white shirt with a napkin tucked into the front. Marke’s hair is tied back in a loose bun with strands framing her face. Dishes are spread before her. The unfiltered nature of the image, which journalist Taylor Auerbach claimed was one Markle “never wanted the world to see,” was subsequently deleted.
During the 7NEWS Australia interview, the Duchess’ family shared other rare photos and videos of her early life. They discussed a wide range of topics, including Meghan’s relationship with her family and her path “without her dad.” Among the footage shared, one clip showed Meghan as a high school prom queen, wearing a tiara and dress.
Meghan Markle’s estranged family share unseen photo she ‘never wanted the world to see’ pic.twitter.com/m4OtticLoZ
— Edinburgh Live (@EdinburghLive_) May 2, 2023
The trailer for the interview, released by Auerbach, teased audiences with scenes of the Duchess crowned homecoming queen, horseback riding as a child, and participating in school events. “This Sunday on @7NewsSpotlight,” Auerbach tweeted alongside the teaser. “Meghan Markle as you have never seen her before. For the first time, the Markles unite with an extraordinary message on the eve of King Charles III ’s coronation. These hidden tapes will stun the world!”
As the world prepares for the Coronation of King Charles III, in an exclusive new interview, Meghan Markle’s fractured US family pleads for a reunion, and one royal watcher drops another Prince Andrew bombshell. 7NEWS Spotlight – Sunday 8.30 on Channel 7 and @7plus pic.twitter.com/iz8qmEsEBY
— Channel 7 (@Channel7) April 28, 2023
During the segment, half-siblings Samantha Markle and Thomas Jr. Markle were critical of Meghan’s current life and relationships. Samantha bluntly stated, “She [Meghan] would still be a waitress if it wasn’t for our Dad.” According to the New York Post , she also discussed Meghan’s marriage to Prince Harry , characterizing it as ‘toxic’. “They are unhealthy for each other. This is a toxic relationship,” she opined.
I watched the Markles interview that aired on Spotlight7 and here is the highlight for me. #SamanthaMarkle #MeghanMarkleisaLiar #MeghanMarkIe #PrinceHarry pic.twitter.com/yFcClf4YOR
— BB Commentary 🇨🇦 🇳🇬 (@rosamudiame) April 30, 2023
Thomas Jr. echoed the sentiment, emphasizing the family’s resolve in bringing their story forward. “We are not going to go away. This is going to change everything,” he said at the time. They argued that these insights into Meghan’s past might reshape the public’s perception of the Duchess. Meghan’s father, Thomas Markle who didn’t attend the Royal Sussex wedding, also expressed concern over his relationship with Meghan, wondering aloud, “How can I fix this?”
The strained relationship between Meghan and her family has been a longstanding subject of media attention. This interview aired as Prince Harry attended King Charles III’s coronation on May 6, 2023, while Meghan stayed at home in Montecito, California, to celebrate their son Archie’s fourth birthday. Close friend and CBS anchor, Gayle King, commented on Meghan’s decision to stay in California, calling it ‘the best decision.’ She said, “I think Meghan and Harry should do what is best for them.”