Here's Why Republican Pollster Blames Trump for 'Single-Handedly Destroying His Re-Election Chance'

Here's Why Republican Pollster Blames Trump for 'Single-Handedly Destroying His Re-Election Chance'
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Spencer Platt

Donald Trump was winning the 2024 presidential race until his current Democratic rival Kamala Harris came into the picture. The MAGA campaign has been reportedly going into a downward spiral as the support for the VP grows in recent polls. A veteran Republican pollster analyzed the charts and blamed Trump for 'destroying' his own chances of winning the November elections. 

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Joe Raedle
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Joe Raedle


Frank Luntz, dubbed the 'Nostradamus of pollsters,' has revealed that Harris has been 'slightly favored' by the American people over the Republican nominee. Although he didn't find anything wrong with the MAGA campaign, he held Trump responsible for the decline in support, citing, "The campaign is disciplined; their candidate is not," as per The Guardian. 



He continued, "[Trump] is single-handedly destroying his chance for re-election. This is the weakest Democratic nominee in terms of record in a long time but his insistence on making the attacks personal and vicious is blunting their impact and, in fact, backfiring on him." 



Trump, who's infamous for his vicious verbal attacks and below-the-belt remarks about his political rivals has been losing support from donors. The latest from his inflamed notebook was a comment on Harris' black heritage where he claimed that she "just happened to turn black" which has sparked outrage from people. 



Meanwhile, Harris, who's said to have been enjoying her 'honeymoon' period is dominating headlines with her electrifying speeches during rallies in key battleground states with left media covering her smallest of victory and pollsters pushing her ahead of the Republican nominee in the 2024 election race set to be concluded in November. 



However, Luntz has a plan B for Trump with which he can reclaim his position by focusing on Harris' two major weaknesses in terms of leadership so far: The border crisis and the flailing American economy, and definitely not by calling names. "Right now I think Trump's gonna lose because he's incapable of sticking to a message about inflation or immigration," the veteran pollster said. 



The 78-year-old politician emerged as a victor nearly a month back after he survived a potential assassination attempt during his Butler, Pennsylvania rally on July 13. Despite the criminal charges and his mounting legal troubles, he had the momentum going for himself and his candidacy. But, according to Luntz, Trump is refusing to discipline his tongue. 



Aside from Luntz, John Zogby, another pollster and author of Beyond the Horse Race: How to Read Polls and Why We Should, echoed, "The campaign was much more disciplined than last time and so disciplined that it had its message perfected, which was 'Sleepy Joe' and 'Crooked Joe.' It was all based on Joe Biden." However, that's not the case anymore as Trump is now running against a candidate almost 20 years younger than him. So the age debate is now out of the window. 



"It's all going to be about Kamala Harris's record but she's in a much better position to control that message than Biden would be. You do see Donald Trump flailing here and being reduced much more to those one-liners – and you wonder if people are getting tired of hearing them," Zogby added. 

Harris has changed the course of the US elections while Trump is stuck to giving childish nicknames to the VP such as "Laffin' Kamala Harris" and "Kamabla," as per MSNBC. 

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