Republican Calls Donald Trump 'Angry and Spiteful', Says 'Joe Biden is Gonna Win

Republican Calls Donald Trump 'Angry and Spiteful', Says 'Joe Biden is Gonna Win
Cover Image Source: Getty Images| (L) Photo by Kevin Dietsch; (R) Photo by Doug Mills

Author and former Republican Stuart Stevens recently appeared on MSNBC criticizing former president Donald Trump and calling him an 'angry man'. The Lincoln Project tweeted his views: "The reality is that Donald Trump is not where the rest of the country is. He is angry and spiteful at everything and does not represent the values of the Republican Party. He is not fit to represent the American people on the greatest stage, says @StuartPStevens on @MSNBC."  However, netizens had mixed reactions to Stevens's remarks with some viewers saying, "Nobody on MSNBC represents the Republican Party."


Another X user asked: "How does it feel to be in the minority party?" Another critic reasoned: "We can’t buy houses. We have to arm ourselves with pepper spray and double-check the car doors and locations in suburbia for crime. We never had to do that with Trump. We don’t like being lied to so blatantly at least if you’re gonna lie don’t just slap us in the face and say it didn’t happen." A user agreed to Stevens' views: "Agree 100%. Again, Trump is running to save his hide. He does not care about the American people in the slightest. Although he likes their money."


Another X user chimed: "Those who support DT are only interested in the votes he gets them…not about whether they are voting him in…a convicted felon, womanizer, liar & conman, etc who can’t be given a visa for many countries…Shame on you.. the world is watching, international leaders are watching." Another netizen called out Trump: After narcissistic abuse, it's hard to tolerate seeing his nasty behavior, attitudes, and patterns that I recognize, it's still just a drop in the bucket to those who are dealing with how he affects them as well. He won't do our country good. His agenda is selfish."



A few X users supported the Republican leader: "The reality is the Democratic Party is not where the rest of the country is. They have shown that they don't have our country's best interest. They are too busy doing what the NWO is telling them to do. It is time to wake up and ignore the Democratic Party and the MSM. That's exactly what we will do on Nov 5th. Trump in a landslide." Another X user criticized the current administration: "Never providing Americans's truth about the failed Biden policies and the decline of America. All you have is hate and uncertainty toward one man. It will cost Democrats dearly in November."

Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by James Devaney
Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by James Devaney


The author of The Conspiracy to End America stated during the debate, "Donald Trump last night's as good as Donald Trump gets, and that ain't great. You know, the thing is that he just is really not where the country is. I mean, most of the country isn't angry like this. Most of the country isn't obsessed with windmills and electric planes and sharks and talking about Hannibal Lecter as a regular person. There's nothing in this Republican apparatus, the bargain that they're cutting with the American people. What do you get when you vote Republican now? And I think what we're really on the points that's been lost here is it was a huge missed opportunity for Trump. 


Stevens added, "He could have come out with some kind of economic policy instead of cutting taxes for billionaires. He could have reassured people about abortion instead of bragging about what he did. He could have seemed that he was someone who understood that he had been a turbulent president but had learned his lessons. That guy would have been formidable and walked off that stage a better candidate than he walked on. He didn't. And I don't think he's going to get many opportunities to do that because they don't want to do that. So, look, I think the race, I don't think it's going to be that close. I think Biden is going to win decisively. And that's sort of the structure of the race."

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