The Red Five movie is the third and final Star War s spin-off that is slated to have a release date of 2020, according to the latest rumors. But, what will the mysterious Red Five be if Luke Skywalker is not part of the X-Wing Rogue Squadron?
In a related report by The Inquisitr , several leaks and rumors seem to indicate that Harrison Ford’s character Han Solo will die in the upcoming Star Wars Episode 7 movie and a Han Solo movie is set for 2018. The unofficial Boba Fett movie release date has been confirmed for 2016 by the leaks and the Godzilla director may be manning that project .
But, when it comes to the regular movies in the third act, Star Wars 7 has just started filming in the Abu Dhabi desert , and from all descriptions, it sounds like Tatooine is making a comeback in one form or another. Director J.J. Abrams also shared the very first photo from the set , and Carrie Fisher, aka Princess Leia, gave an interview in which she was asked pressing questions like whether the hair buns were making a comeback.
So, at this point, you’re probably wondering about the leak we’re referring to in reference to the release dates. The beans were spilled at a recent event where the toy maker Hasbro revealed the year they were planning on releasing Star Wars toys and also which movie they were for. This information was given a ring of credibility when Disney initially responded by demanding that the first leakers take the schedule down.
Now that the Jedi is out of the bag, here is the known Star Wars release date schedule:
- 2014: Rebels
- 2015: Episode VII
- 2016: Boba Fett
- 2017: Episode VIII
- 2018: Solo
- 2019: Episode IX
- 2020: Red Five
Yep, that means we’ll be seeing a new Star Wars movie each year through 2020. In the case of Rebels , that refers to the upcoming Star Wars: Rebels TV show that will be only Disney XD. The only real surprise is the Red Five movie, which has everyone guessing on what that might mean.
The Red Five call sign was given to Luke Skywalker when he was part of Rogue Squadron, but that designation seems too obvious. Also, by time 2020 rolls around, we will already know the fate of Luke during the third act, whether it be death by Sith or old age or a Disney happily ever after ending. So, it seems more likely that Red Five may belong to the squadron itself and not focus on any one character.
If the Red Five movie does focus on one character, some have already suggested that Corran Horn would be the obvious choice. That theory sounds good, except for the fact that Horn is part of the Star Wars Expanded Universe, and Disney has pretty much made all of those books, video games, and comics null and void in regards to the story.
Another possibility is that the Red Five movie is simply a working title and serves as a placeholder until they finalize the scripts. After all, we’re talking about a film that is six years off, so the final script may be completely different. Either way, it seems likely we’ll be treated to a Star Wars spin-off that will focus on an X-Wing squadron going into battle. Yay!
How do you think Disney should handle the Star Wars: Red Five movie?