Donald Trump has been under verbal attack by a few rappers over the last several days, and now rapper Bow Wow has dragged Melania Trump into the mix with a very disturbing tweet. This started with Snoop Dogg’s new music video where he is seen shooting a prop gun at the image of Donald Trump made up as a clown. This saga continues with other rappers coming to Snoop Dogg’s defense, which escalated after a retaliation tweet was posted by Trump citing the rapper Snoop Dogg as having a “failing career.”
People were outraged by Snoop Dogg’s scene in the video where he attempts a mock shooting at a clown-like person impersonating President Trump. Now, the fury is growing over this latest tweet from Bow Wow, where he claims he will pimp Melania Trump and “make her work for us.” How far will this go before it stops?
Snoop Dogg’s music video had Donald Trump’s look-alike dressed as a clown, and Snoop Dogg aims a gun at this Trump clown, pulling the trigger. It happens to be one of the old fashioned prop guns that shot out a little flag that said “Bang.” Fake gun or not, Senator Rubio tells TMZ, “ jokes about presidential assassinations are something to be very careful about.”
Donald Trump tweeted, “Can you imagine what the outcry would be if @ SnoopDogg, failing career and all, had aimed and fired the gun at President Obama? Jail time!” It wasn’t long after Trump’s tweet that other rappers came to Snoop Dogg’s defense with Bow Wow writing a disturbing tweet regarding Melania Trump.
Bow Wow tweeted, “Ayo @realDonaldTrump shut your punk ass up talking sh*t about my uncle @SnoopDogg before we pimp your wife and make her work for us.” This time the disparaging tweet was aimed at Melania Trump. Breitbart News calls this tweet the “rapper’s apparent sexual assault threat.” This is the first lady of the nation Bow Wow is talking about, and while many find it extremely disturbing, Breitbart describes how a writer from the New York Times attempted to play it down a bit.
Breitbart News writes, “In response to Bow Wow’s tweet, New York Times culture writer and self-described comedian Sopan Deb appeared to make light of the rapper’s apparent sexual assault threat.” They said this after Deb tweeted, “The outrage from @BreitbarkNews news is going to be through the woof.”
Another rapper called T.I. posted a rather vulgar description of Donald Trump, which consisted of, ” “f*cking tangerine tanned muskrat scrotum skin, lacefront possum fur wig wearing, alternative fact, atomic dog diarrhea face a*s man.” This is the president of the U.S. he is talking about.
According to The Wrap , the “Secret Service has its eye on Snoop Dogg ” after seeing the music video where Snoop Dog plays out a mock Trump Shooting. It is not known what they are planning to do, if anything, about the video that has many folks furious today. Piers Morgan wrote an article for Mail Online asking, “What the hell is wrong with America’s entertainers?” He talks about the Snoop Dogg video saying that the clown isn’t Donald Trump, but Snoop himself for putting the president’s life in danger with “this stupid mock assassination.”
Morgan brings up two more recent examples of popular celebrities showing their dislike of Trump in some bizarre and very inappropriate ways. He cites Madonna’s recent claim that she dreams about blowing up the White House, and Katy Perry burning a “skeletal effigy of Trump during the recent BRITS awards.” Piers sees this as nothing more than a way to sell records, as Snoop Dogg’s video has now played over and over again on the news stations across the nation and around the world online. Treating the president in such a way might give someone out there ideas, which is what Senator Marco Rubio worried about.
Morgan writes that he knows just what these entertainers are thinking when they say and do things regarding Trump like what Snoop Dogg did in his video. He said they are thinking, “This will grab headlines all over America, have the whole country talking about me and sell a bucket load of records.” He goes on to say, “That’s what all these stars are thinking when they release such provocative stuff. And right now, there’s an almost unprecedented amount of noise, attention and money to be made from attacking the divisive new president.” He points out how the late night shows, newspapers, and cable news can attest to that after having Trump in their scopes from some time now.
[Featured Image by Susan Walsh/AP Images]