Randy Quaid released from Montreal jail after Canada’s Immigration and Refugee Board ordered his release after his father posted his $10,000 bond.
The American actor, known best for his roles in Independence Day, National Lampoon’s Vacation, and Kingpin, was arrested last Thursday in Montreal, where he has lived since 2013, nearly a month after his request for permanent residency in Canada had been denied.
BREAKING: actor Randy Quaid testifies at immigration and refugee board hearing in Montreal #cbcmtl pic.twitter.com/XtH1qrh1LO
— Steve Rukavina, CBC (@Steverukavina) May 19, 2015
Quaid was arrested for missing his meeting with the Canada Border Services Agency, according to the Vancouver Sun . After a meeting earlier today at the Complexe Guy Favreau in front of Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) adjudicator Dianne Tordoff, Tordoff ordered his release, albeit by a few conditions. Part of the agreement was Quaid must appear at the CBSA following his release. He is also restricted from seeking work while living in Canada, and if he decides to leave on his own accord, he must confirm his departure with CBSA, according to Calgary Herald .
#RandyQuaid released from a Montreal jail on a $10,000 bond after being arrested last week http://t.co/5jAPl4RyCZ pic.twitter.com/Op0EdQcgcB
— ET Canada (@ETCanada) May 19, 2015
Quaid said he failed to report to the CBSA because he was upset that he was denied permanent citizenship, and feared he would be separated from his wife, Evi, who gained citizenship because her father is a Canadian citizen.
“You reacted and you didn’t go in appeal of that decision, you didn’t go to the Federal Court and try to have it reversed,” Tordorf said. “Instead, you became disillusioned with the system and that’s when you decided you weren’t going to report anymore.”
Actor Randy Quaid released from a Montreal immigration detention centre after arrest, CBSA investigation http://t.co/jxt89AMDP5
— Report 24 Canada (@Report24CA) May 19, 2015
“I’d lost faith in the system. I wanted to get into a space where I could have time to investigate. I needed to gather evidence about what happened in Santa Barbara,” Quaid testified on Tuesday, according to CBC News . “I meant no disrespect to Canadian border services. I have great respect for them, but I didn’t feel that anyone else was willing to listen to me.”
Tordorf believes that Quaid could be a flight risk, but doesn’t think detention is necessary in this case.
“In the circumstances, I find that you well explained how difficult it has been to get all your papers together and put forward everything you need in order to have a successful conclusion to gaining permanency in Canada,” she said.
“At this point, I desire nothing more than to fully co-operate with any restrictions or conditions, as long as I could be with my wife, even if that means going back to the States to reapply for permanent residency status in Canada,” Randy said.
[Photo by Frazer Harrison / Getty Images]