For everyone that had October of 2018 in the office betting pool for when Priyanka Chopra was going to marry Nick Jonas, it appears as if that may not be the case. It was widely circulated by several tabloids, including Bollywood Bai , that Chopra and Jonas were going to tie the knot in October. While there is nowhere that actually states that either Chopra or Jonas has mentioned that as a date for their nuptials, the idea was based on Chopra bowing out of the Bollywood feature film Bharat , which is currently filming.
While it is accurate that Chopra had implied she was dropping out of the project due to her engagement to Jonas, she never went so far as to say it had anything to do with their wedding date. As their fans have seen, the couple has spent time in India with Chopra’s family having the traditional engagement parties, and they then took off for Mexico to spend a little more time together, cementing their union and getting ready to return to work. For Jonas, that would likely mean promoting his latest single “Right Now,” and for Chopra that means she has Shonali Bose’s The Sky is Pink coming up, and more work on her U.S. television show, Quantico .
Madhu Chopra reveals details about Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas’ wedding date
— Prisha Iyer (@PrishaIyer) September 3, 2018
When Chopra’s family was questioned regarding when the wedding will be, who will be in attendance, and all the other juicy details, Times of India reports that Chopra’s mother, Madhu Chopra, said there is no wedding in October. She said that despite what tabloids are reporting, they haven’t said when, or even where it is going to take place. While it could be a bit of misdirection to afford the couple some privacy, most reporters seem think she is being honest.
The plot of Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra’s wedding is gonna be exactly like Crazy Rich Asians
— Neil S. (@neilsonii) September 4, 2018
Later in the interview, per News International , it came out that it seems as though the couple is leaning toward a wedding in the U.S. sometime next year when their work schedules present a break. They would then travel to Mumbai for a grand reception for Chopra’s friends and family. This would fit with a rumor that the couple has talked about having two ceremonies, one in India and one in the U.S., for each other’s friends and families that cannot make the international journey that would be required if they just had one.
Whatever the couple actually decides to do, it appears as though this October is not happening, if for no other reason than a conflict with their professional schedules. While they can bow out of those commitments, it is thought neither considers that a valid option, and will instead wait until next year when they can have the wedding of their dreams.