Prince William Was Jealous of This Ex of Wife Kate Middleton: “He Had Very Real Worries”

Prince William Was Jealous of This Ex of Wife Kate Middleton: “He Had Very Real Worries”
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Alberto Pezzali - WPA Pool

Prince William and Princess Kate Middleton, have remained steadfast in their commitment to one another, through thick and thin. But did you know there was one time when the Prince of Wales was particularly jealous of one guy — his wife's ex-boyfriend.

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Chris Jackson
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Chris Jackson


Henry Ropner, dated Middleton when she moved to Ireland. Sources at the time, as reported by Daily Mail, revealed, "Henry is delighted to be there for Kate now that she has split from William. They have been meeting up and enjoying themselves." The insider further added, "There has been a lot of she is single, Kate is enjoying Henry’s company regularly. Henry is very wealthy. He has moved in William’s circle for years." Interestingly, William also dated Ropner's ex, Jecca Craig. 


The college sweethearts, William and Middleton were on a break, in 2007. According to 
Elle magazine, Middleton took on a trip with her friends and mum to Irish lands after the split. Three months down the line, the couple however reignited their lost spark. However, one thing was clear— they reunited only after having explored all romantic options. During their time apart, William was reportedly wooing his brother's ex's sister, Isabella Calthorpe. According to The Telegraph, Ropner, and Middleton later became good friends, and the Duchess of Cambridge also inspired his wedding to Natasha Sinclair back in July 2011. 


Reflecting on William's tumultuous period during his mid-twenties, British author, Penny Junor penned a controversial book, 
Prince William: Born to be King. According to Now to Love, Juror wrote, "The problem was William— he had very real worries about whether it was possible to love just one woman. After his hurricane childhood, he was understandably cautious about committing to a relationship." Juror explained, "In his early years, he had also lost many people he was close to. Subconsciously, he may have been wary of allowing himself to become too attached to Kate, in case she too abandoned him. It’s likely, that he was feeling a bit claustrophobic. After all, they had been together since the age of 20 and Kate had always wanted rather more commitment than he was prepared to give."


She added, "Nor were all his friends that keen on her— some thought she was a bit too sensible and serious, and that she disapproved of their wilder antics. Meanwhile, William was all too aware that he hadn’t had any other serious relationship before meeting Kate." Nevertheless, at the time, Ropner seeing his former beau did fuel Prince's separation pang with Middleton. An insider, at the time, revealed, "Since their split she has taken to hanging out at all his [William's] favourite bars which have irritated him a little, even though the break-up remains perfectly amicable."

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