Royal fans have likely heard about Prince Harry having to turn his back on one of his favorite vices, which is drinking. His wife, Meghan Markle, reportedly gave him a ban on not just alcohol, but also caffeinated drinks throughout the duration of her pregnancy.
And while it appeared that Harry was more than happy to comply, a source dished to Radar Online that the Prince snuck into one of his favorite pubs while Meghan wasn’t looking. Harry is believed to have stopped at the pub soon after Meghan’s appearance at the National Theatre in London.
“A casual-dressed security team walked Harry into the bar and surrounded him so he wouldn’t be hassled… It’s his favorite pub, and his godfather owns it, so Harry goes there a lot.”
The “ban” was first reported in early January by many outlets including the Daily Mail . A source at the time commented that “Considering he’s been a pretty brutal drinker since he was a young teenager, it’s quite an achievement.” However, if these rumors are true, then it looks like the achievement was unfortunately short-lived.
In addition to encouraging Harry to give up his vices and caffeine, a source suggested that Meghan was encouraging him to become healthier in general, including practicing yoga.
With that being said, Harry’s love for partying is no secret. Prior reports by Vanity Fair revealed that the Prince had “frozen out” his old party friends, including Inskip and Astrid Harbord.
“Like several others who were considered a questionable influence on Harry during his bad, old bachelor days, Tom has been dropped… it’s all part of Meghan’s quiet airbrushing out of Harry’s old posse. She doesn’t want temptation—of any sort—being put in his way while they concentrate on starting a family.”
Royal fans will have to wait and see if Harry will continue to defy his wife’s wishes when it comes to his drinking habit. It would seem that if he went to a public pub, that he knew that there was a good chance the story would be leaked to the media. So it’s not like he was trying to drink in secret, but it’s hard to know what his true intentions could be.
In other news, Meghan is expected to give birth in April, which is just a couple of months from now. Her American family continues to stir up drama in the meantime, and royal fans are looking forward to meeting the new girl or boy.