Carrie Underwood began her career as the chubby, cheery country crooner on American Idol . Now she’s an international singing superstar, dedicated to her workouts and, as recently announced, excited about her pregnancy. Determined to stay healthy and fit, Carrie Underwood has has modified the workouts and provided all the details on how to get those fabulously toned arms, reported Enstars on Sept. 22. Plus: Find out who she named as her biggest parenting heroes and why she calls herself a “practical vegan.”
To announce the pregnancy, Mike Fisher and Carrie Underwood decided to involve their current babies, who are, ahem, dogs. They dressed their pets up in little “I’m going to be a big brother” and “I’m going to be a big sister” matching outfits and posted it on Twitter. Add one clever touch (they announced it on Sept. 1, “Labor Day”), and it just might deserve a place in the Cutest Baby Announcements Hall of Fame:
Carrie Underwood ? @ carrieunderwood
In honor of “Labor” Day…Ace & Penny would like to make an announcement. Their parents couldn’t be happier!
Since the announcement, Carrie Underwood has worked closely with her trainer Erin Oprea to maintain her fitness level safely. Erin is guiding her client through lighter weights and more repetitions. Although Carrie isn’t jumping, she does work with a punching bag and does squats.
Now that she and Mike will be new parents soon, a fan asked Carrie on Twitter to name her biggest inspiration. When it comes to parenting heroes, Carrie Underwood doesn’t have far to look.
” My parents are pretty dang awesome!” tweeted Carrie promptly in response to the question.
So was she always preparing to become a major superstar singer? Carrie Underwood modestly claims that without American Idol, she would be singing in church and doing amateur gigs, reported CMT News on Sept. 23.
“Without Idol , I’d probably be singing in church on Sunday and karaoke on Wednesday nights,” claims Carrie.
But with a combination of her own talent, drive and the help of that little show called American Idol , Carrie Underwood has made it. She transformed her body to match her career with the same level of determination by relying on old-fashioned calorie-counting via new-fangled smartphone apps, as the Inquisitr reported.
“It’s all like, healthy-living stuff,” emphasized Carrie Underwood. “I’m a calorie counter; I have been for, like, seven years. I keep a food journal, and it has all my foods in it.”
In addition to tracking her calories, Carrie is careful about where she shops. She uses her Whole Foods app when she travels to find the nearest location. After following a vegetarian diet for years, she became what she calls a “practical vegan,” according to her recent interview with Women’s Health magazine.
“I am a vegan but I consider myself to be a practical vegan,” said Carrie Underwood. “If I order something on a menu and it has a sprinkling of cheese on top I’m not going to send it back.”
[Image Via Carrie Underwood Twitter]