With Pinterest more popular than ever, the amount of Pinterest fails are skyrocketing .
For those of you not familiar with the site, Pinterest is a social media site dedicated to sharing ideas for projects and interests between users who can then choose to attempt to create them, or just simply “Pin” them because they like them.
This collection of Pinterest fails contain some old and some new, but the fact remains that most of these are much easier said than done!
So enjoy this “Nailed It!” collection of Pinterest fails and let us know if you’ve ever tried anything you’ve seen on Pinterest and either failed miserably or actually pulled it off!
1. Valiant effort.
2. Those are actually kind of scary.
3. The first picture is just a complete lie….not possible!
4. Looks about right.
5. I’m not sure where the second eye came from?
6. It’s still adorable either way.
7. Oh my, that face. Brilliant.
8. String art balloon is looking pretty good.
9. They look simple enough, right?
10. I’m not even sure what I’m looking at?
11. Can’t say I’d be wild about the taste, but it was a decent try.
12. Just, wow.
13. I would definitely eat it either way.
14. Would be awesome if it worked!
15. Are those edible?
(H/T BuzzFeed , BoredPanda )