One of the stranger stories of the fall was the celebrity feud between Martha Stewart and Real Housewives of New York ex Tom D’Agostino. Martha Stewart blamed the conflict on the fact that D’Agostino was still in possession of Stewart’s favorite pie plate that he kept after she gave him the gift of a homemade pie, and D’Agostino claimed that the issue started when Martha Stewart hatched an elaborate plot to get back at D’Agostino’s estranged wife, Real Housewives of New York star Luann de Lesseps.
The battle between domestic goddess Martha Stewart and the estranged husband of RHONY Countess Luann, Tom D’Agostino was one of the ultimate “he said she said” conflicts to hit the press. From Martha Stewart’s perspective, she participated in the New York Magazine article about the first apartment of famous people, dropped in on Tom D’Agostino, and as a thank you, she had a homemade pie dropped off in what Martha called her favorite pie plate. To Stewart, it seemed to be much ado about nothing.
But Luann’s ex, RHONY Tom D’Agostino claimed that there was something more devious afoot, claiming that Martha Stewart had never really lived in the apartment, and merely stayed there one summer with a friend.
Tom D’Agostino said the whole thing was payback for an alleged public spat between Martha Stewart and D’Agostino’s ex Luann from back in 2015. Stewart had reportedly called Luann’s show, RHONY lowbrow, and the two ladies were said to have been trading barbs ever since. But to most people, this seemed like a pretty elaborate payback for Stewart to rope in New York Magazine just to get even with Luann through Tom, considering that Tom and Luann had already split when Martha stopped by Tom’s apartment.
But what PageSix is calling an “unsavory standoff” between Martha Stewart and RHONY Tom D’Agostino all came down to the pie plate. Stewart says to say thank you, she baked Tom D’Agostino a pie in her “favorite pie dish,” and she was miffed that D’Agostino failed to return it.
Still smelling a conspiracy, Tom D’Agostino claimed he had tried to return the pie plate, and insisted that it was no big deal because it was a cheap Pyrex dish anyway, continuing the war of words or “pieplategate” in the media. And it wasn’t just gossip pages covering the case of the missing pie plate, Vanity Fair , and Architectural Digest also followed the plight of the missing pie plate which Stewart insisted was ceramic.
But alas, PageSix broke the story that the pie plate, Martha Stewart’s ceramic keepsake, is back where it belongs.
“But we are thrilled to report that those fretting about whether Stewart’s been reduced to serving up her cobblers in a second-rate vessel may now rest easy: Sources close to the pie dish say that D’Agostino left the ceramic in question with his doorman, and an intermediary retrieved it on Stewart’s behalf — mercifully before Thanksgiving.”
It is still puzzling as to why RHONY Tom D’Agostino or someone in his camp reportedly contacted PageSix rather than just send back the pie plate after he ate Martha Stewart’s homemade apple pie , which Stewart said she thought he enjoyed.
“I think he liked the fact that I brought him an apple pie. He still hasn’t returned my dish, though.”
But Martha Stewart now has her pie plate, and all is right with the world. Upon hearing that the pie plate was back in the hands of Martha Stewart, Food & Wine announced that our “national nightmare is finally over.”
Do you think that Tom D’Agostino should have just had someone deliver the pie plate to Martha Stewart, or was he just seeking press?
[Featured Image by Dennis Van Tine/AP Images]