Deadline recently revealed that Patrick Wilson, star in both Insidious and The Conjuring , is getting ready to take on yet another big role in the horror movie industry. This isn’t news that may excite Wilson fans or horror movie viewers, but those who appreciate the works of Stephen King are in for a treat in this new film. The movie is an adaptation from Stephen King’s In The Tall Grass , which he co-penned with his son, Joe Hill.
Vincenzo Natali, who is best known for the sci-fi horror movie Splice and various episodes of Hannibal and Westworld , will be scripting and directing the upcoming King adaptation for In The Tall Grass . The film actually began the early stages of development in 2015 but was stalled until May 2018 when Netflix swooped in to pick up the King movie. James Marsden was apparently the initial casting go-to; however, due to some scheduling conflict, Film School Rejects cites that Wilson was chosen after Marden departed.
In The Tall Grass was a novella of the same name, written by King and his son Joe Hill. Hill is no stranger to horror work and adaptation of his own writing, with NOS4A2 headed to the small screen in near future as well, noted in the article from Film School Rejects.
According to reports, Hill and King’s In The Tall Grass captures each writer’s knack in a perturbing story which has plenty of gore for all the gory fans out there in the horror-viewing world. The plot revolves around characters Cal and Beck Demuth, who are siblings set on traveling cross-country for their spring break. When they hear a boy calling beyond some tall grass, they pull over to lend a helping hand, searching for him. Once separated, both become lost in the landscape of tall grass, soon to realize that evil is afoot and there is no escape. This story will derive most of its scares from a psychologically taxing element.
The report from Deadline does not give further details into characters and cast, beyond Patrick Wilson, Laysla De Oliveira from iZombie , and Harrison Gilbertson from Need for Speed . What is known is that the character Wilson has been cast for will be different from what fans of mainstream horror are used to seeing him take on. News is that he will be eerie, and nothing like the well-intentioned father from Insidious or the ghostbuster from The Conjuring.
Another of Stephen King’s works currently being crafted for the big screen is Tommyknockers , which will be produced by James Wan. More on that story can be found here at the Inquisitr . Fans know Wan from his directorial making of Patrick’s previous starred-in film, Insidious , as well as The Conjuring .