Top Chef judge Padma Lakshmi was ready to tackle a new week with an intense workout on Monday and she had her 9-year-old daughter Krishna right by her side. Padma shared a video clip of the workout via her Instagram page, which her fans loved.
In her Instagram caption, Padma noted that she was coaching Krishna as the young girl worked on learning all of the exercises her mom was doing. However, it seemed that Krishna was coaching her mom as well. The mom-and-daughter duo wore matching workout outfits including black leggings and black workout crop tops.
Both Padma and Krishna had their long hair pulled back into loose ponytails as they worked out together in an open area filled with various pieces of equipment. Padma was pretty focused on getting in a solid workout while Krishna was smiling as she copied some of her mom’s moves.
It’s not unusual for Padma to share videos featuring her workouts via her Instagram page. However, it’s not often that Krishna joins in on the fun.
Oftentimes, Padma’s workouts are quite intense, as she is dedicated to maintaining her impressive physique. At the same time, the Top Chef star also shares plenty of posts showing her eating and she often jokes about all of the food she consumes.
In an Instagram post from just a few days ago, Padma was eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She said that she was chilling out between shots while filming Season 15 of Top Chef. She added that she’s a bottomless pit who needed a snack despite the numerous dishes she was able to taste on the set.
Padma has nearly 600,000 people following her Instagram antics and this workout clip featuring her daughter was a big hit. In less than 24 hours, the clip had been viewed 78,000 times. Those who also took the time to comment noted that they thought the mommy-and-me workout was fantastic.
“Padma, you are one hot momma,” noted one of Lakshmi’s fans.
“Strong girls, my favorite!” shared another.
“Role model-ing! Great,” added someone else.
Some of Padma’s fans thought the matching outfits were adorable and noted that Padma’s workout advice contained great general advice about life. Others couldn’t help but note that “Little Hands,” Krishna’s nickname, was absolutely beautiful.
As The Inquisitr recently noted, Padma has gained weight while filming, as she often does. However, she has been bold and confident in saying she really doesn’t care.
Padma Lakshmi said she wasn’t going to go to extremes in terms of squeezing herself into a gown for a recent awards show. It seems clear that the Top Chef star’s fans think she looks gorgeous in anything she wears and they love getting these glimpses into how she manages to look so stunning.