Outlander Season 3 has come to an end and the finale of the Starz time traveling series has left many viewers excitedly anticipating the upcoming season of the show. While it might not be until next year before the show premieres its fourth season on TV, its lead stars Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe tease exciting scenes ahead next season.
Outlander Season 4 has a lot of exciting things in store for viewers once it returns on air in 2018. Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter , Caitriona Balfe and Sam Heughan discussed the Season 3 finale , including their thoughts on events that will take place on Season 4.
Outlander Season 4 will be based on Diana Gabaldon’s fourth book, entitled Drums of Autumn , which will pick up from the events of the Season 3 finale. This means that Claire and Jamie will now live as immigrants after ending up in America together.
Both Heughan and Balfe shared excitement over the fact that Outlander will once again explore a new territory for its fourth season. As most fans can recall, the Starz drama changed its filming locations for Season 3, as part of the storylines included a voyage to the Caribbean.
The role of an immigrant for Outlander Season 4 is something that hits home for Balfe, as the actress shared that she was also an immigrant when she left Ireland at the age of 18. Balfe explained that all of the relationships that Claire and Jamie will build in their new lives in America will be an “interesting element” for Season 4.
Meanwhile, in a separate interview with Deadline , showrunner Ron Moore teased on the possible return of a fan-favorite character – Frank Randall (Tobias Menzies). While viewers saw Frank die in a car crash in Outlander Season 3, Moore said that they are thinking of bringing Frank back in the upcoming season, possibly through flashbacks.
As with previous seasons of Outlander, Moore said that there will be deviations from Gabaldon’s books. The showrunner explained that some sequences as well as storylines have been altered during its adaptation for the TV screens, and while Gabaldon might have had some hand for Season 3, Moore shared that the author will not be helping them in the upcoming season.
With all these exciting scenes ahead, one cannot help but wonder how long the so-called “Droughtlander” phase will take place. While Season 3 might have taken a longer hiatus, Balfe and Heughan reassured viewers that it seems like they will not be waiting as long for Season 4.