OnePlus has recently unveiled the OnePlus 3T, its half-step upgrade for its current flagship that features upgraded internals and a much better front camera. With the arrival of its newest handset, rumors are abounding that the full successor to the OnePlus 3, the speculated OnePlus 4, would be an even more dominating device, possibly being powerful enough to give next year’s industry leaders such as the iPhone 8 a run for its money.
Speculations about the OnePlus 4 have been emerging as of late, and while there is almost no concrete information about the device, rumors about the upcoming flagship are very encouraging nonetheless. Considering the power and specs of the last three OnePlus flagships, there is a good chance that the OnePlus 4 would carry an almost insane spec sheet.
This year’s flagship, the OnePlus 3, was already one of the most powerful smartphones on the market, with a Snapdragon 820 chip coupled with 6GB of RAM and 64GB of native storage. The OnePlus 3T, which is a half-step upgrade over the OnePlus 3, was equipped with a higher-spec Snapdragon 821, 6GB of RAM and 128GB of storage. As for the OnePlus 4, rumors point to a device that would feature the Snapdragon 830, paired with 8GB of RAM and at least 128GB of native storage.
With OnePlus’ reputation of releasing smartphones that are almost overkill, the speculations about the OnePlus 4’s internals are definitely plausible. This year’s flagship from the upstart smartphone manufacturer is a perfect example of this, since Android industry leaders such as Samsung and LG only utilized 4GB of RAM for their premiere devices, the Galaxy S7 and the LG G5. The OnePlus 3 quite literally has twice the RAM of the iPhone 7 Plus , the highest-specced smartphone ever released by the Cupertino-based tech giant.
Rumors about the OnePlus 4 are not all about the device’s raw specs, however, as speculations are high that the upcoming device would also feature a dual-camera system that would be quite similar to the ones utilized by the iPhone 7 Plus, the Huawei P9 and the LG G5. One thing that is quite interesting, however, is how OnePlus would integrate the dual-camera system to the smartphone’s functions. While the iPhone 7 Plus and LG G5 utilized their dual-camera systems exclusively for imaging purposes, speculations are abounding that the OnePlus 4 would use its dual-lens camera as a means to integrate augmented reality and mixed reality to the upcoming flagship’s features.
If any, the imaging department is one thing that the OnePlus 4 could definitely improve on from its predecessor. The OnePlus 3 has a pretty capable camera, with 16-MP and 8-MP sensors, and the OnePlus 3T has an even better pair of lenses. Despite these, however, the device’s lenses have fallen short of the standards set by industry leaders such as the iPhone 7 Plus and the Galaxy S7 Edge. With this, speculations have emerged that the OnePlus 4 would feature an upgraded 12-MP sensor akin to those found on Samsung’s flagships.
One notable rumor about the OnePlus 4 that has been emerging lately concerns the device’s frame, which is speculated to feature an all-glass design. A return to all-glass flagship designs seems to be the theme for 2017, with the 10th anniversary iPhone rumored to incorporate the feature. Thus, there’s a good chance that the OnePlus 4 would also follow the trend and incorporate a sleek glass design.
If there’s anything certain about the OnePlus 4, however, it would be its upgraded battery. OnePlus has steadily improved the battery capabilities of its devices, with speculations stating that next year’s flagship would feature a 4000mAh pack, a significant upgrade over the 3000mAh unit on the OnePlus 3. Despite the larger battery, however, there is a good chance that the OnePlus 4 would feature an upgraded version of its Dash Charge feature, which would enable to device’s larger battery to charge in an even shorter amount of time. If any, the technology for an upgraded Dash Charge has already been released, with OnePlus’ sister company, Oppo, rolling out an upgraded fast charging feature for its phones recently.
The OnePlus 4 would arguably be the best flagship that the upstart smartphone maker will release. With the OnePlus 3T taking the place of the OnePlus 3 in the market, the smartphone maker has managed to attract the attention of buyers once more. While there is very little information available about the device, there is a good chance that the OnePlus 4 would exceed expectations once more, going above and beyond rumors and speculations about the flagship smartphone.
[Featured Image by Santeri Viinamäki| Wikimedia Commons |Cropped and Resized| CC BY-SA 4.0 ]